Guilt and rest

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Resting when you are chronically ill is often met with guilt. Especially then you're young. At a young age, we are told to be overly productive to do what you're getting  supposed to do at this age. Rest is important for literally everyone. More for those who are chronically ill. Their body literally requires more rest to function well. I work full time mostly because I was never taught how to rest. Even before I got sick. On a day off, I was always met with, "You could've picked up a shift instead of just wasting time.". Saying I needed to rest was never good enough. Because of this, I worked 5/6 days a weeks for at least 7/8 months.l every single day off was due to my volunteer job (which most times was on a day I have work as well.), or doctors appointment. for the entire time, I've never had a day off from everything where I didn't have to do anything and I could rest. Rest was and is still always met with so much guilty When it's so necessary. rest paired with guilt is not rest. Resting isn't just doing nothing but allowing your mind to take a break as well. You deserve to rest and let your body gain energy and strength. You are worth it. No matter what anyone says. 

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