Chapter 34

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"Sophie I didn't mean to..." Riley said.

"Yeah well you did," I snapped back.

"I'm, I'm sorry okay? After everything with Cooper I wasn't - I felt like I needed something that wasn't serious. I don't know," she said.

"Don't you think you could've done that without toying with me in the process?" I asked her.

Maybe I was more angry about this than I should've been, but she definitely wasn't innocent either.

"I wasn't trying to do that Sophie, okay?! Jesus," now Riley was the one who sounded irritated.

"I was struggling with what happened with Cooper and I, and I messed up. I'm sorry...again," she continued.

"So what happened with us was you 'messing up'?" I asked her, hoping that it wasn't the truth.

"No," she said quickly, "you know that's not what I meant." She paused before continuing, "Damn it Soph, why are you making this in to something it's not?"

I narrowed my eyes at her, frustrated that she was turning this around on me.

"Just because you don't think what you did seems shitty doesn't mean it wasn't," I said in response.

Riley gave me an exasperated look before putting her head down in her hand. She sighed and then looked back up at me.

"I realize that me bringing Jackson back when I did might not have been the best choice...but I'm not the one who's been sleeping around!" She said.

I raised my eyebrows at her in shock. Did she really just say that to me? I stood up from the couch and prepared to go back to my room, this conversation clearly wasn't going well.

"I don't know why you'd care about how much I was sleeping around," I said, keeping my angry gaze locked on her, "you're the one who got all freaked out when I said I had feelings for you, remember?"

I didn't give Riley a chance to respond before I quickly turned and walked back to my room and slammed the door shut. I knew we were both going to continue to say things that we shouldn't, and I needed to step away.

I sat down on my bed and put my face in my hands, this was definitely not going as planned. I don't know what I expected to happen, but it wasn't this.

I took my phone out and texted Cas, I needed a voice of reason on this.

"My plan backfired, Riley and I just got into a fight."

"Oh boy, what happened?" She quickly responded.

"I called her out for the Jackson thing and she called me out for 'sleeping around'," I said.

"Well shit, she really said that?" Cas asked.

"Yup...I mean I kind of was but damn she didn't have to say it like that," I responded.

"Agree, I'd just give it some time until you both cool off," she said.

"I know, I'm going to...still don't know what I'm going to do though, why are we both cursed with relationships?!" I said.

"Hey I'm doing good now, leave me out of this! But you'll figure it out, don't worry!" Cas said.

Obviously I loved Cas, but damn she was too positive sometimes.

I struggled to sleep again that night, I was too busy worrying that I might have damaged my relationship with Riley beyond repair.

I went to work the next morning and sluggishly made my way through the day. I was more than ready to go home when the time hit 5:00.

When I got back home, Riley was sitting at the counter and it seemed like she had been waiting for me.

The Roommate (It's Complicated Sequel)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora