Chapter 34 - Acceptance

Start from the beginning

"That has to wait, Dr. Gura." Did Moon just hear a very quiet growl from Pitch's voice as he was talking with her? Or was the teal bean imagining it? Didn't seem like the others heard it, so she remained silent.

"O-of course, I'll come to you later then." Gura tentatively said and walked quickly out the hangar, hoping to avoid annoying them any more.

"Do you also have an idea on how we should go about saving our colleagues, Captain Pitch?" Another question came from Dawn, clearly hearing his impatience through his voice.

Silence was all that soon swam into their conversation after the walnut colored bean's question fell onto seemingly deaf ears.

The wizard suddenly flinched once Pitch mentioned his name.

"Saros", There was a small pause before he continued: "Saros and I will go down to Walderan to calm the King's mind. Tell Skylar's crew as well as yours, Captain Dawn, to stay here and await further instructions."

That was the moment for the jasper-colored wizard to try to garther what little courage he had back to be able to look even to the same direction Pitch was, once again.

As soon as the lord's command was said aloud, everyone followed his plan. Back on the Blackcrow, Pitch was able to find some time to change his soaking wet clothes, before he made his way towards the Blackcrow's bridge.

Now back on board, the Blackcrow members could make their way back to Walderan, with the hope to rescue their friends.

Deep down below, within the underground prison on Walderan, Hawk, Skylar and the others were still held captive. It got colder behind the cage the longer they had to be detained inside the prison cells. General Skylar made a frustrated sigh while he was pacing around in circles, impatiently waiting while the others only sat on the edges of the cells or the rotten old wooden benches.

Suddenly, a loud clattering from out the prison entrance was heard, which startled the prisoners. One of the guards opened the lock and chain from the rusty old iron door in order to check on the prisoners. They also had a huge pouch with them. Inside the pouch seemed to be several fruits and an assortment of snacks. Looked like it was dinner time for the prisoners. Was it already that late? How long had they been trapped down here by now?

The guard picked out one fruit for each prisoner, and threw them carelessly inside the cell. After he gave everyone a fruit, the guard simply locked up and walked right out of the underground prison. Hawk and Skylar were skeptical about the fruits they received from him, they didn't look clean. Who knew what those fruits were anyway, they could be poisonous, perhaps riddled with bugs or germs even... But then, Hawk heard his stomach rumble and was reminded that he was still hungry, after all. The other prisoners enjoyed their fruits, but for Skylar, it was rather displeasing to hear them scarfing down those dirty and possibly out-of-date fruits so loudly and quickly like that.

As the guard was on his way back up to the castle, with his empty pouch laying on his shoulder, his visor quickly caught sight of a young lady coming down the stairs: it was Princess Lumina, who had a sneaky plan to at least rescue her best friend.

With a surprised growl, the guard asked: "What are you doing down here, Princess?"

Little did he know that she was about to trick him, with the following: "My father gave me the permission that my friend, Starla, is allowed to play with me."

"Wasn't your father the one who gave us the command to throw them to the prison?" He answered skeptically and Lumina got a little nervous with her counter backs.

"W-well yes, of course. But I asked my father nicely and he said I was allowed to play with her. I'm just really bored at this moment, y-you know? Besides, what would my father think of his guards if they wouldn't listen to him any more?" With that, the guard understood Lumina and nodded slowly. No one wanted to disrespect or disappoint their King.

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