The black day

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It was raining heavily. A young girl in her mid twenties was staring outside her window with a unreadable expression on her face.

The storm outside was nothing as compared to the the storm which was inside her. Her eyes were as cold as the weather outside but her expression was calm.
Her hair was continuously disturbing her but she was deep in her to notice anything. Her daze broke when she heard a knock on her door.

She turned around and saw a maid standing on her door shivering lightly because of fear, her gaze was lowered she felt her throat clogged with much difficulty she muttered

" Ra..Ra..Rajkumari have something you haven't eaten any thing from yesterday " she shuttered and was concerned about her.

"I am not hungry Radha " she replied in a calm but authoritative tone.

" Ranisa is worried about you, please Rajkumari have something " The maid said her.

After taking a deep breath she gave up and asked for the plate of food.

She went to her mother's room placed the food on the table and sat near her feet.

" Masa please don't worry I have taken the decision " she said with finality in her voice.

Her mother raised her teary eyes and said

" Please don't sacrifice yourself in this political matter, I know your babasa will soon find a way out of this situation"

She stood up and said
" Masa I can't let people suffer because of me it's my decision and no one is to be blamed for it"

Her mother felt helpless she was unable to convince her and had no choice but to agree with her.

Her mother wiped her tears and said in her stern voice

"Rajkumari now you are grown up and can take your own stand. I hope you don't regret your decision "

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