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Your POV:

'I've been living at the Phantomhive Mansion for 3 months now. I've been helping my best friend Ciel with his cases, annoying Sebastian the best way I can, helping Finny, Mey-rin and Bard with the kitchen and made lots of friends. I wish this day can stay like this forever' I was in my room reading a book on my bed. It was actually Ciel's book...but since he always on a case I get to read some of his books. I then heard a knock on my door." Hmm? Come in..." I continued reading as the door opened to see Ciel. " so...I see your reading that book I gave you..." Ciel asked in his monotone voice of his. I nod and closed the boor sitting up. " anyway how come you came to see me?" " we have to go and vist the Trancy Family..." My eye twicthed when he mentioned the Trancy Family...the only people who I can't stand.... " how come were going over there?" " business " " ah...I see...okay then...let me get dressed first...." Ciel nods and walks out closes the door behind him. ' damn it....the ibe day I thought I had a freeday and I have to work...and then it had to deal with the Trancy....why...why me....' I sighed again as I walks over to my door and puts on a (F/C) dress that reached to my knees, black leggings and black short boots. I then looked into the mirror and fixed my (H/C) hair so it would look right with the dress. ' so...I'll just stay quiet and not go over board when Alois threatens Ciel......' To be honest I kind of had a crush on Ciel...but...I didn't know how he feels about me...the only ones who knows that I had feelings for him is Sebastian, Mey-rin, finny and brad. My thought were brought out by a knocked on the door" (Y/N) ? Are you ready? Its time to go" " okay okay..I'm coming sebby..." I smirked as I passed by Sebastian to hear him growled and follows behind me. I walked downstairs to see Ciel waiting by the door" ah...that dress...it looks nice on you (Y/N) " I blushed a bit and smiles " ah..thank you Ciel"

Ciel POV:

As (Y/N) smiled at my comment we headed out the door to the carriage. As usual Sebastian helped both me and (Y/N) into the carriage before driving the carriage. As we started to make our way into the town, I was looking out the window till I heard a soft voice...no a soft him...humming a song that I realized. I glanced over at (Y/N) and realize that it was her that was humming the song. I watched and listen more and I closed my eyes ' she has the most beautiful voice that I ever heard...just as beautiful as she was....wait...what am I saying! I Am a demon and a demon shouldn't feel this way like humans does!!!' I shaked my head and looked out the window, listening to (Y/N) singing again.

~~~Time skip brought to you by a long road trip~~~

Your POV:

After a longgggg ride, we finally got to the Trancy Manson. 'Ew.....I hate this place....calm down (Y/N) ...calm down.....' I takes a deep breath when the carriage finally stops. Sebastian opens the door and let's out Ciel first and then me. When I got out I heard the most annoying voice that I ever heard "ah...Ciel... (Y/N) ...welcome to my home..." I sighed in disgust and turns around with a fake smile on my face." Hello...Alois....Claude... Thanks for inviting us...." I bowed and heard a chucked from Sebastian who appeared out of nowhere. I grolwed a bit and stands up straight. " anyway Alois...why did you call me hear...I am quite busy so make this quick." Alois smirked at Ciel smart comment. " follow me..." Alois and Claude turned and walked inside .Me and Ciel exchange glances before walking in behind Alois and Claude with Sebastian walking behind. While we was walking to Alois office, I looked out the window while following behind. While I was looking, I notice a girl in the garden. She had long grey hair that was in two ponytails and was wearing a black and white dress. I stopped and looked at her. ' I wonder who she is...I never met her before....' Suddenly I notice that the girl was looking right at me with a smirk on her face. I shivered and runs over to Ciel" hey Ciel...come with me quickly!!" I pulled Ciel arms to the window that I saw that girl at. But when we looked out the window...the girl was gone..." Huh...what do you mean (Y/N) ...its just his garden...." I looked shocked trying to find my words when I heard Alois chucked" heh...I bet she loves my garden more then yours..." Alois kept walking and Ciel growls following them leaving me behind. ' what the....I knew the girl was there...I know she was real.....I'm not going crazy.... Am I...? No...I know I saw that girl out there and I will find her!!!" I turned and runs out Alois mansion and runs into his garden. I looked around his whole garden and after a few mins I sat on his bench sighing. " I know that was real....maybe I am going crazy....." I sighed and looked up again to see a girl standing in front of me. ' its...this girl is....' "Its you...your the girl I saw though the window...." The girl stayed quiet. She then finger her fingers to her mouth and whistles loudly. After a few mins of silents, three duded wearing butler outfits appeared behind her" you called...my lady?" ".....looks like I've been seen...." My eyes widen a bit ad I looked at the French speaking girl to see her eyes glowing red. " my my...that is not a good thing at all...." " your right Wrath....what do you think we should do...." " now now Greed... You know my lady is the only one who gives the orders" " right right.... Sorry about that envy...." The three butlers looked back at the girl and bows on one knee" my Lady.... What do you think we should do with her my Lady?" The girl stayed quiet and moved her lips with no sound coming out her mouth...but I knew what said" ......kill her......"

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