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"Wake up, please," Nimona begged the unconscious Ballister as she tried to wake him up by shaking him. Tears started to stream down her face as Bearre watched and sneered. What Nimona hasn't noticed yet was that Ballister's pulse had slowed and his breathing was shallow now. The poison that Bearre had given him days ago was close to his heart now, and slowly getting closer now. Bearre was amused and sneered, "Is the freak taking a nap?" Nimona slightly glared at Bearre through tears as she pulled Ballister close. "He's not a freak... he's a hero," she muttered before listening for Ballister's breathing or pulse. Her panic and fear grew when she realized that he was nearing death. She knew that she'd outlive Ballister and that he'd die someday. She just wasn't expecting that someday to be today, the day that her fear would come true. She sobbed as she hugged Ballister tightly, refusing to let him go. "Some hero he is. The poison will kill him later than I expected," Bearre emotionlessly said as he broke the silence. "Where is it?! W-where's the antidote?!" Nimona shouted at Bearre through her sobs. She was glaring at him as her pain was allowing her to shapeshift against the odds that Bearre put against her ability. Bearre noticed that she shapeshifted and backed up a little. It surprised him, and showed that he's slightly intimidated of Nimona. "Why would I give you the antidote? Isn't it obvious that I wanted to kill everyone that knew me?" Bearre replied sternly to hide his surprise. As Nimona was about to reply, she noticed that Ballister stopped breathing. Her worst nightmare had come true. The first person to love and accept her for who she is had just died. "No! No, n-no, no," Nimona stuttered through tears as she clung onto Ballister tighter than before. Bearre smirked as he watched in amusement. After a few hours, Nimona was still crying over the loss of her friend and father figure. Bearre, however, was planning and preparing for something in another room. Luckily for him, Nimona was too preoccupied to even notice what he was up to.

Nimona: The Not So Happy EndingWhere stories live. Discover now