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This is the exact same situation between Israel and Palestine.

They used to be old friends, but now Israel is killing all of Palestine and there is nothing stopping them. The Palestinians are in need of help and we are standing here, doing nothing. We have to take action now, or all Palestinians will go extinct.

You don't need to donate to help, you can even just inform people of the situation. Talk some sense into people to help all the children and mothers and fathers and soldiers in Palestine, because they didn't do anything to deserve this.

More than ten thousand Palestinians have been killed in under a month. That's a lot of people in such a short amount of time. 

We have to stop buying products that money goes to Israel's weaponry.

Almost every brand on this planet supports Israel, and you have to be willing to give it up in order to save these children. All from McDonald's to Netflix, we have to give it up. The money supports Israel and they use it to upgrade their weapons and technology, making it easier to access anything anywhere.

Israel has the most advanced technology in the world, and they can literally do anything. But that does not mean they will win, because Palestine is an Islamic country therefore it is protected by Allah and if it is protected by Allah, then that means there is no chance in Hell that the Israels could damage the entire country. Because Allah is protecting the place, but he isn't protecting all the people. 

Humans come and go, but Palestine doesn't.

We have to make a move, now. It's Allah's job to protect the country, it's our job to protect the people.

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