31. Remember me?

Começar do início

Tears slowly fell down my face as I stared out the window, avoiding him altogether and trying to find the last bit of strength I had left inside of me to be here with him. I said nothing.

"I thought of leaving, permanently. I felt like it was the only solution I had left. Until Namjoon and someone special came and put me back together in a somewhat new fucked up version of me again. Namjoon saved my life, but someone else brought me back to it in a different way."

I kept staring out the window, pretending I wasn't listening but hearing everything.

I heard him exhale a shaky breath before continuing. "It was Lavina, it was.. your birth mom."

I broke my silence and whipped my head to meet him staring back at me with tears in his eyes. "What the fuck did you just say?"

"Your mom came to me, Athena. I was in my living room, staring at that crossed out picture of JK and I that you had shown me that fell, the one we never really looked into that much. She came to me and asked me if I had suffered enough, if I was worth retribution. I said no of course not, I said I wasn't worthy of anything and wanted her to punish me Athena, I wanted her to ruin me from the inside out. But she didn't. She asked me to take care of you instead, she asked me as my punishment to watch over you from a distance, until the day you ever needed me again. Even if you never did, I guess my true punishment would be to watch you moving on without me. I didn't care about that, I just wanted you to be okay. I couldn't say no to her so I did as she asked. I made sure after a couple months that you were safe, I saw that you were in school again and that you made new friends. I saw that you and Clara were okay, that you were living in a safe new location now. I tried to be around you at least a couple times a week when I wasnt at work, just to keep tabs on you that you were okay."

"So you did stalk me. You followed me everywhere I went and happened to weasel your way back into my life again! How did Clara even find you to let you in? Were you just in the bushes waiting for me?! My god, Jimin. You're insane. I don't believe for a second that my mom visited you, she would never!"

The car fell quiet again, as I felt the sadness radiating off of his skin, hitting me as if it was absorbing into me too. My gut wrenched at the thought of my own flesh and blood finding him to allow him to keep me around, as if he felt he still deserved me in some way, it made me physically sick.

"I know it looks that way, but it's not how it was at all. I never stalked you, I just kept tabs on you to make sure you were safe. I need you to understand that."

"Keeping tabs on me, as if you ever had the right to. And i'm fine, just fine living my life on my own."

"I know you are, I always knew you could make it without anyone else holding you back."

"I have so many questions Jimin."

"I know, and I'll do my best to answer every single one. But you need to know that I think Jin isn't the man you think he is, and that he might be using you."

"How can you even say that? Do you have any proof of this? Did you jot down in a little notepad on one of your stalking trips? Because I can tell you one thing, you won't like what you'll find, it's not something that would make you feel all warm in fuzzy inside when he touches me."

I watched as he stiffened in his seat and swallowed slowly. "It's not my right to tell you how I feel about it, I am just warning you because he isn't the type to keep you safe and loved Athena. If he is in fact JK's brother, then its not just you that is in danger, it's all of us."

"What makes you think he's his brother? What evidence do you have? He has a younger brother he lives with and a sister who isn't even in the country. He told me he has an older brother who he doesn't speak to and has no idea where he even is. So how on earth would you be able to find anything that ties him to JK?"

Silver Lining / PJMOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora