We stood up and went out of the store, we're now looking for jewelry shops 

"Do you enjoy it?" He asked out of nowhere 

"Enjoyed what?" I asked for him to make his statement clearer

"Do you enjoy having Bada wrapped around your finger, Minah rolling over the hills for you and oh.. Aiki right?" He smiled trying to annoy the shit out of me

"Where did you even get that? Aiki is just a friend and so is Minah, I have a lot of friends, something you can't relate from or else you won't be walking the streets of LA with me if you have friends or even just a friend" I hissed at him as we enter a shop

"So you don't remember that we already met when we were kids and you can't remember dancing with me a few days ago?" He wandered around the store after the words left his mouth

"I don't know if that's a genuine question or you're just trying to be a bitch" I replied to him 

He took a huge step until he's just a few inches away from my face

"You pick" He said, I pushed him away from me by pushing his forehead with my index finger 

"Get away from me creep" I said to him as I walk away from him 

"Hi, how can I help you couples today?" The salesman behind the counter said 

"Oh we're not a couple" I defended right away looking at Jackson disgustingly

"Wow... As if you're the one who's defeated in that arrangement?" He blurted out

"Haha, have you seen Bada? There's no way someone would look nearly as better than she does" I spat at him which he didn't have any response to and just rolled his eyes 

"Okay... If the bickering has taken it's toll, can we get down to business now?" The salesman smiled at us "What are we looking for? An engagement ring? A wedding ring? Friendship ring of some sort?" He added

"An engagement ring" I smiled at him

"How about this one?..." He said pulling out a pink diamond ring from the counter 

"It's the Sakura Diamond ring, the diamond was cut from a 27.8-carat rough diamond mined in the frozen grounds of Yakutia mines" He smiled... 

I mean... It's pink.

"Do you have something... less... pink?" I said with a smile trying to be polite and Jackson huffed out 

"How about this one?" He pulled out a blue diamond and even Jackson's jaw hit the floor as his eyes glued to the ring

"This is the Winston Blue Diamond, one of the most prestigious and luxurious ring we have" The salesman said smiling at me 

It does look gorgeous and I look at in awe 

I asked how much it is and the man slipped a piece of paper in front of me and I almost fainted with the amount of zeros I saw on a piece of paper 


I have money but I'm not a Kardashian, Jesus Christ!

"You know what that's enough shopping for you" Jackson said to me grabbing me by the arm "We'll come back... Probably..." He checked his watch "Never". 

"What are you doing?! I have to look for a ring for Bada!" I exclaimed violently getting away from his grip 

"What are you doing?! I have to look for a ring for Bada!" I exclaimed violently getting away from his grip 

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Touches or Stares (Bada Lee AU)Where stories live. Discover now