55 - 2 is better than 1

Start from the beginning

They were right to not tell you in all honesty, not that you'd admit. But yes, knowing Jasper was working alongside you and your team while being part of another military would've thrown you off track. "I understand" you say, relaxing a little.

It'd been just over two weeks from the watch tower patrol with Ghost. As soon as you got back to base you realized why everyone had been so busy after the return back. You were whipped up into work, having to learn a lot more about the mission. 

It was something they worked on between other missions, this operation required time. You'd barely been left with a minute alone and you'd been sleeping more than you had ever slept at night, being so tired and worn out. 

It was busy on this side of Specgru LS12, the work here was more complex and urgent than the lower ranking sides. Balancing life with work became a blend and work was life, although you were often allowed breaks or moments to yourself. 

The work assigned to you was different and more, being so far behind in things left you with workloads that made you want to cry or smash your head into your desk. 

On the other hand, you liked the business, the clutter of work and not having time to even acknowledge your feelings because you were too tired or too busy. It was just like it was when at home, overworking yourself till you had no time to acknowledge yourself. 

You struggled with few things on paperwork, preferring the more physical side to your new lifestyle. You'd never been one to train at base before, already knowing you were skilled in almost all physical departments. 

But you'd come to realize that it could be fun, a feel of nostalgia as it was just you and the props for training. You kept consistent with the workload, tried too at least. Having ADHD gave you a slight difficulty with the work, but you tried to look past it. 

You'd even forgotten about the exchange with Jasper up until today. A meeting had been called by Laswell and upon entering the room you'd found three unfamiliar soldiers, dressed in gear seated at the table. 

Jasper had flicked his helmet visor up and when you saw him, you'd scowled, drawing your pistol from your holster even though you knew it wasn't loaded at the moment. In result the two beside him had drawn their weapons, pointed at you. 

The scene was quickly shut down by both Laswell and Price, Soap seeming to enjoy the entertainment. That's how the meeting started; it'd been revealed that the whole time they all knew who Jasper was. 

Who he was working for, he wasn't a threat to Specgru, his military like LS12. Completing missions assigned by higher worldwide authorities. 

Although banter could happen between both militaries Laswell had said often times, she has groups of their team to help on specific missions. There was no question about it, you'd been 'hired' by other federal organizations while in Sargent Coopers care. 

In the time Price was busy so you'd been placed under another Seargent's care for the time being. 

The meeting bore on, Laswell sharing more discovered information about missions and tasks before assigning weekly patrols to us each, the basic meeting experience. "Any questions?" Laswell said, clasping her hands together as she finalized the end of the meeting.

"So, we will be having these three around for a few days, we're working on another mission with a lower rank group currently, but they'll be around" Laswell says as everyone nods. 

Laswell and Price continue on discussing over some files while everyone else hovers or leaves. You pushed yourself from the table and stand up, making direct eye contact with Jasper as you walk over. 

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