The next day, almost every man in Avonlea, including Gilbert, was helping re-build the Gillis Family's house. Y/n was sitting by a tree not far from the workers, reading A Christmas Carol, she was very close to finishing the book. Although, she found herself re-reading the same sentence at least ten times due to her glancing at Gilbert over the book.

"Put your backs into it, boys!" The Minister shouts.

Y/n saw Anne and Ruby walk up, carrying a basket together and chatting. She went over as the Minister took a scone from the basket.

"Anne!" Y/n smiled.

Anne put the basket down and hugged Y/n "Oh, I wanted to thank you again. After a lot of thought, I don't think I would have been able to get out by myself. And you had no idea if I was even struggling or not--"

Y/n shakes her head "It's okay. You're my friend and I care about you."

Anne hugged her tight again before saying "Oh, would you like a scone? Ruby and I made them."

"Sure." Y/n takes one and noticed Ruby looking at Gilbert "Hey, Ruby."

"Oh, hi Y/n." Ruby said. Her and Anne looked at each other, making Y/n frown, Ruby toon a deep breath and turned to Y/n "I am really sorry for how I have treated you, just for being friends with Gilbert. I feel really bad after hearing all the nice things Anne had to say about you. I understand if you won't forgive me, but--"

"Ruby. It's okay." Y/n put a hand on her shoulder "I get you really like Gilbert, but you can't stop people from speaking to him."

Ruby nods "I know that now." They smile at each other before Ruby said "Let's go give them to Gil-- I mean everyone."

She was cut off by Billy saying "Hey, look, it's the freak and her new twin sister."

"As long as they bring food, I don't care if its Quasimodo." Gilbert returned.

Ruby suddenly tripped and Y/n and Anne quickly checked on her as Billy laughed "That was great!"

"Ruby, are you all right?" Anne asked her.

She sobbed after sitting up, Y/n knelt down, rubbing her back as Billy said "Girls are so useless. Guess you should have stayed home in the kitchen, eh?"

Anne turned to look at him "What is wrong with you?"

"Go home and bake cookies." Billy contemplated the insult he was going to day about Y/n, but giving Gilbert is right next to him on the roof of a house, he stopped himself.

"Headline: They already did." Gilbert replied to Billy's last statement.

"This is Ruby's property, or did you forget?" Anne shouts up as Gilbert starts to climb down.

Billy continues annoying Anne "Why don't you shove off, and leave the men to their work?"

"Why don't you give me that hammer and I'll finish the job myself, if you're too must being a bully to get it done?!" Anne shouts at him, laughter coming from a few of the men and Y/n.

Gilbert runs up to Ruby and helps her up "Hey, here. You alright?" He picked up her hat and wiped the leaves off of it "There you are."

"Thank you, Gilbert." Ruby said, sounding kind of creepy.

"Yeah. Of course. Thanks for, um, coming by to help feed the beasts." Gilbert said, making Y/n chuckle a bit. He looked at her, smiling widely.

"Much obliged." Matthew walked over to Anne, rubbing his cold hands together.

"You're welcome." Anne said.

Anne continues speaking to Matthew as Ruby stares at Gilbert, making him feel a little uncomfortable. Y/n noticed and took his hand, squeezing it.

"Um... Anne?" Y/n said as Gilbert looked at her "You better get Ruby home." Y/n glanced a couple of times and Anne immediately understood.

"Right. Come on, Ruby. Let's get you home." Anne said, pulling Ruby along with her.

As they walked away, Y/n looked at Gilbert "You okay?"

He nods "Yeah." He said, sounding unsure about his answer "Could you stay over again? I need you to stay over."

Y/n looked slightly concerned "Yeah, of course. I'll need to let my mother know and get some clothes, but yes, I can."

They didn't realise, but they were looking deep into eachothers eyes. Y/n loved his gorgeous hazel eyes. His amazing brown curls and his luscious lashes.

Gilbert looked deep into her y/e/c eyes, lost in them. Her gorgeous hair that flowed perfectly. Her cute nose, that was slightly pink due to the cold. Her lips...

After a moment, they were pulled out of their thoughts by clanks of wood getting piled. They clear their throats.

"I'll go get my stuff." Y/n said.

He nods "Yeah, if you want to drop it off and come back, you can. Or if-if you want to stay and talk to my dad you..." Gilbert gets lost in his words, making Y/n laughed a bit.

She kisses his cheek and says "I'll be back soon."

She walked off, crabbing her basket from under the tree, and left Gilbert with a huge smirk on his face.


After a couple of days, school was starting again and Ruby was moving back into her own house.

Y/n was sitting in her usual spot, Ruby managed to get Josie to swap with Y/n again so she could sit with her. Y/n was still on the inside of the benches, farthest away from the window.

Her and Ruby spoke about how Ruby wanted to decorate her new bedroom, and Y/n was happy that Ruby wasn't mad at her anymore.

Diana turned around to speak to Ruby and Y/n, but Y/n looked back at Gilbert.

Gilbert and Y/n locked eyes again as Mr Phillips said "Settle down. Don't make me ask you again." They both looked forward, smiles on their faces. The door opened as he said "Open your readers to chapter 12."

Josie Pye looked back and saw her, she went to whisper to Tillie, but Y/n looked back "Anne!" She smiled and jumped up, hugging her. Followed by Diana, then Ruby.

"Anne Shirley-Cuthbert, take your seat." Mr Phillips said.

Anne sat in her usual spot. Gilbert looked back at Y/n, who was smiling. She didn't notice Gilbert looking at her. He was trying to hide the smile forming and quickly looked away.

Charlie, who sat next to Gilbert, nudged him slightly as he noticed Gilbert's smile. He just rolled his eyes and looked forwars again.

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