What a way to start the first day of school / making new friends as well...?

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Lumine rushes to class while dragging Furina as they are late! Oh no! , Lumine slams the door open as everyone turns there attention to them, "Oh? Why are you 2 late? And is that the new student Lumine?" A male voice could be heard as it is Mr Albedo. "Oh! Mr Ningguang I'm sorry that we were late but yea! This is the new student I think her name was Furina if I remember!" Lumine says as she bows her head down apologising, Furina does the same out of respect as Furina looks up at Mr Albedo, "Yes.. I'm the new student sir, my name is Furina like Lumine said" *Furina says as she introduces herself as Albedo nods*
"I suppose it's fine since it's your first day take a seat next to Scaramouche" *Mr Albedo says pointing at a male..*
"HUH?" *Furina and Scaramouche both says as there jaws hangs open*
"Hm? Is something wrong? Perhaps u two know each other?" Albedo says raising a eye brow as Lumine speaks up "Sir! Perhaps she could sit nexts to me instead? We've known eachother longer" she says protesting as Albedo shakes his head sighing
"No can do Lumine, your already sitting in between Ayaka and Tartaglia I'm sorry." He says as he gestures them to sit down..

*Furina takes her seat next to Scaramouche as Scaramouche gives her a side eye scanning her before looking back at the board for Albedo to continue his lesson Furina shifts in her seat a bit as she accidentally leans on someone*
"I'm sorry!"
*She says quietly as she looks up to see Lynette and another boy next to her?..*
"We meet once again, this is my brother Lyney, don't be nervous he likes making new friends" she says calmly as she looks back to watch the lesson pulling out her note book and pencil while Lyney waves with a warm smile , "Nice to meet you!" He say's quietly before taking out his note book and pencil as he starts writing, Furina does the same expect she doesn't have a pencils so she reaches over to Scaramouche tapping on his shoulder "Hey.. can I borrow your pencil?" She says as Scaramouche lets out a huff "Get one yourself I only have one and I'm not sharing!" He says rudely as he starts writing down notes, "Rude.." she mutters as Scaramouche snaps his head at her "Excuse me?" He loudly reply's as the whole class look at him, "Quiet down and write notes are you both get detention" Albedo scolds before continuing to write notes down for the class to copy "Great.. it's your fault, brat,", "Brat?! I'm not a brat?! Your acting like your not one" she whispers back "Just lend me a pencil! It's not even that hard"

"Whatever!" He says throwing a pencil at her face as she lets out a yelp! "HE-!" Before she could say anything she was interrupted "SCARAMOUCHE AND FURINA! DETENTION AFTER CLASS!" He says slamming his hand on the table as they both flinched, Well what a good way to start the first day of school Furina thought with a scowl on her face while Scaramouche gives her the dirty look before they both reply "Yes Mr Albedo.."

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