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Yo I did say I would do this last week.

So we doing it rn! >:D

Now the reason why y/n joined was so she didn't get killed by trashcan man ( u know who )


★She has a pony tail.

★Tbh I can't explain her outfit but it's like more more jump from project sekai.

★Has a family but hasn't seen them in awhile ( 😨 )


★loves studying about keyblades and knowing what they do

★loves reading about psychology :)

★would watch my little pony for no reason.

★loves cats


Lol anyway I'ma do a Little mini story cuz yes.

Ahem ahem

Random story I made lol

Y/N stared at a page in a book, she was bored out of her mind. I mean she could read the same keyblades all over again, but she didn't feel like it. Just then she got an idea. Getting up from her chair in the library, she grabbed her cards, like the ones with diamonds, spades, etc. She walked to vanitas's room."Vanitasss!!!!" She yelled out. "What.." he looked at y/n, tired and exhausted. Well, you couldn't tell that he was tired cause he had his helmet on, but still. Y/n brought out her cards, "wanna play trash?" Y/n asked. Vanitas looked confused "what's that..? Like you look threw trash..?" Vanitas asked, very sleep deprived. "What- no! It's like a type of card game!" Y/n exclaimed, "have you been sleeping?" Vanitas nodded his head no.
Y/n sighed. "C'mon let's go to the library to play!" Y/n ran out of vanitas's room to the library.

★At library cuz YES ★

Y/n sat down on the chair and placed down the cards she had. Putting 12 cards on each side of the table. Vanitas sat down staring at the cards Infront of him. "So how do you play..?" Vanitas stared at y/n under his helmet. " Ok so, u can choose from the deck or the card by it, like the card by it is a ace, so u put it as one and the card you get next like uh.. this.. queen! It goes into 12 and if you get the same card then it goes into the card pile, so that's how you play!" Vanitas nodded. "Well then let's start!"

Ok I'm done 💀

Hope u like this 😭

Also tysm for 102 reads! :D

Also tysm for 102 reads! :D

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