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Five realised that the bar was a bad idea to talk with his family while strangers was around them. So he deiced to lead them all upstairs so they can have the conversation.

When they were all around the pool tables Five started telling them about the grandfather paradox.

"Paradox Protocols. The Complete Commission Guide to Temportal Anomalies Chapter 68 'The Grandfather Paradox' It's New Jersey, 1953, and Elmer Tatelman hates his grandfather. Elmer blames everything on his grandfather. His mother's pain, his father's dead, and his own sad life. This could have been just another sad tale about soup, except for one thing. Elmer is about to invent...time travel. You see, Elmer has decided the key to his future happiness is to go back in time and kill his grandfather. Elmer completed his mission, but he's made one crucial mistake. He went too far back in time. You see murdering his grandfather in 1905 meant that Elmer's mother didn't exist to meet his father in 1925. Which made certain that Elmer himself was never born. Elmer killed his grandfather so his mother was never born. But if his mother was never born, Elmer no longer exists. But if Elmer no longer exists, how could he possibly kill his grandfather? And around and around we go. Elmer has created a paradox, the grandfather paradox. The most pernicious problem in The Commission Handbook of Paradox Protocols. This story is not true. But if it were, Elmer would have placed, time, space, and every living thing in grave peril. Don't be an Elmer! We've been lucky so far. With your help, constant vigilance, and a little strategic violence, the Commission will make certain nothing like this ever happens. Or God help us all' Well, that is what we learned in The Commission" Five explained while they were all standing by the pool ball table on the second floor in the hotel.

Stan let out a grunt as he was doing some ninja move while swinging a pool ball stick while Mitch and Andy was sitting on the couch next to Lara.

"I'm so confused" Diego said "Shocking" Allison muttered causing Diego to glanced at her "Well, someone killed our mothers, so we shouldn't exist" Viktor said while Klaus was laying on the floor, repeatedly hitting himself in the face with the book.

"But clearly, we do exist and the universe can't handle it, which is a problem" Viktor said "Big problems" Five said and let out a sigh as he was holding a mug of coffee before taking a sip.

"YAH" Stanley shouted as he jumped and kicked his leg out in front of him.

"STANLEY!" Diego shouted as he pointed his knife at him and Stan looked at him "Now is not the time to be doing karate, okay?" Diego said "Mom said I need to practice" Stan said "Yeah, well, she's not wrong. You're very bad" Diego said with a nod as he was flipping his knife with his hand "Well, I saved your pathetic ass!" Stan shouted at him.

"Okay, hold on. Dad, so we caused a paradox?" Mitch said and Five turned a bit to look at his son as he was holding his mug "What does that mean?" Mitch asked "It's hard to say. It's all been theoretical until now, but things have started to disappear" Five said "What things?" Viktor asked and Five put his mug down on the pool ball table "Right now? Uh, lobsters" he said "And a shit ton of cows!" Klaus said as he sat up while Andy let out a chuckled.

Different (Five Hargreeves) (Book 1)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя