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After Lara, the twins and Five had circled the different places the four wanted to see along the road trip, them and Klaus walked out of the hotel before going towards one of the hotel's cars before driving down the road.

The song 'Oogum Boogum by Brenton Wood' was playing in the radio as Lara, Mitch and Andy was sitting in the car's back seat while Five was sitting next to Klaus who was driving the car down a long and empty road that was between two long fields of grass.

Klaus slurped his drink loudly before he put the cup down.

"This actually isn't so terrible" Five said "See? Told you" Klaus said.

"Come to think of it, my whole life I've been under the gun. Missions for Dad, working for the Commission, trying to survive the apocalypse" Five said "So you never had a day off while you were working at the Commission?" Lara asked "No. I don't think I ever got one, Love" he said as he shook his head "I was always looking around every corner, just waiting for the other shoe to drop. It's nice to just breathe" he said "Good for you, man. Retirement is suiting you" Klaus said as he nodded along to the music that played over the radio.

"What do you boys think?" Five asked "When are we gonna see something cool" Mitch said "Yeah, we are bored" Andy said "That's too bad" Lara said "You boys should have thought about that before going behind mine and your mom's back" Five and the twins let out a scoff.

"Well, the best part is that I'm here with you boys and you" Five said and turned his head to look at Lara who leaned forward "I feel the same way" she said and they looked at each other before they press their lips against each other.

"EWW" Mitch and Andy said "Aww" Klaus said.

"Oh. Uh...All right?" Five said before he opened the glove compartment and pulled out the map

"So, Lara, the twins and I have circled all the roadside attractions alone the way" Five said as he unfolded out the map of Pennsylvania "I'm not sure we're gonna have time..." Klaus mumbled "We have the Brownsville Big Nickel" Five said as he looked at the map "Then there is the ball of Twine" he said "I actually wanna see that" Mitch said "Me too" Andy said

"Oh, Ricky's Bakery has award-winning pies--" Lara said as she was looking at the map "If you just let me explain..." Klaus said "Or there's this Cow Henge" Five said before he glanced at Klaus "That's it--Don't---" he said with a smile.

"Listen to me" Klaus said out loud causing Five to look at him "Just shut up for two seconds, okay? Just two seconds? All right?" Klaus said "Okay" Five said before he folded the map back up "I'm all ears" he said as he turned to look at him.

"We are going to Pennsylvania to find my birth mother. Yay!" Klaus said and cheered "Excuse me?" Five asked "This should be good" Andy said as he took out his headphones 

Different (Five Hargreeves) (Book 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora