Homo! Homo! Homo!

"*Cough* heather *Cough*" Heather C 'coughed'

"Wait, which one?" Veronica questioned.

Things will get better soon as my letter
Comes from Harvard, Duke, or Brown
Wake from this coma, take my diploma
Then I can blow this town

Dream of ivy-covered walls and smoky French cafés

Watch it!

"Oh god, it's the rapist." JD sighed.

Fight the urge to strike a match and set this dump ablaze!

"Foreshadowing." JD said.

*eshay* Oooooooooooooops

Ram Sweeney. Third year as linebacker and eighth year of smacking lunch trays and being a huge dick

"Eighth year?" JD exclaimed in disbelief.

What did you say to me, skank?

"Murder..." JD whispered.

"He's already dead!" veronica exclaimed.

"I'll chuck some salt at his ghost." JD said.

Aah, nothing!

[VERONICA:] But I know, I know... [KIDS:] I know, I know...
[VERONICA:] Life can be beautiful [KIDS:] Beautiful
[VERONICA:] I pray, I pray [KIDS:] I pray, I pray
[VERONICA:] For a better way [KIDS:] For a better way
[VERONICA:] We were kind before; [KIDS:] Ooh...
[VERONICA:] We can be kind once more [KIDS:] Ooh...
[VERONICA:] We can be beautiful... [KIDS:] Ooh... Beautiful...

Ugh!... Hey Martha

"Oml, it's Martha Dumptruck!" heather M said.


Martha Dunnstock. My best friend since diapers
She's got a huge heart.
Around here, that's not enough.

"True." Veronica sighed.

We on for movie night?

Yeah, you're on Jiffy Pop detail

I rented "The Princess Bride."

"Fucking loser." Heather C judged.

Ho-ho-ho, again? Wait, don't you have it memorized by now?

What can I say? I'm a sucker for a happy ending

Martha Dumptruck! Wide load! Honnnnnk!

The Heathers started laughing.


Kurt Kelly. Quarterback. He is the smartest guy on the football team. Which is kind of like being the tallest dwarf

"Nice one." JD said to Veronica.

Ha ha! Alright!

Hey! Pick that up! Right now!

31 days of BroadwayHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin