Getting Ready

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Reina's Pov:

"I wonder, what the other Olympians are like. They sound intimidating."

"They are quite the powerful people. They run high class businesses. My mother got invited to a few of their events." Riddle says packing his luggage. I stand up from the bed. Where I sit and walk towards Riddle. I give him a kiss on the cheek. Riddle's cheeks turn red, and he looks at me in surprise. "Th-That was so sudden my queen. I um.." Riddle goes off in a flustered ramble. I giggle and lean closer again. Kissing him on the lips this time. He kisses me back. We stand there for moment. Then Riddle speaks up. "I can't wait to dance with you, my queen." This time it's my turn to blush, and I nod. 

"I look forward to it too my king." He grabs me and spins me quickly around. Before placing me down."

"You guys seem happy." We turn to see Ace and Deuce peeking in. "I wish, I could go to one of those fancy get together." Ace says with a pouty face.

"I hope you both have fun. House warden and Reina, I'm packing to leave for home." Deuce says with a calm face.

"I guess, I wish you both to have fun. All I have to do at home. Is to play some games during winter break. Also, Deuce don't act like. You didn't want to go as well."

"Well at least I'm try to be supportive here." 

"Well guess we should leave you two to packing and flirting." Ace says as he runs off.

"I should go finishing packing as well." Deuce says as he walks away.

"Huh, those two ruined the moment." Riddle says, as he let's go of my waist."

"It's fine my king. We will have loads of time to be together at the banquet."

"You always know what to say my queen. Let's finish packing. Its almost time to go."

"Yeah, I will go pack as well."

Luna's Pov:

"We're going to have so much fun Jack."

"Yeah though, I wouldn't know. How to act at such an important event as this." Jack says a little nervous."

"I don't know. How to act either, I guess both of us will be learning."

"I guess so my clever little pup." Jack says as he leans down and plants a deep passionate kiss on my lips." We kiss for a moment. Before breaking it to catch our breath."

"Shehehe, bring me back a nice expensive gift. You love birds." Ruggie says as he walks over."

"You would. Just pawn it off Ruggie." 

"Hey, I believe. I should have the right. To do whatever I want with my gift." Ruggie says with a sly grin. "Thats all I want to tell you love birds, bye."Ruggie says as he dashes off.

"He really does. Know when to ruin a moment." Jack says as he picks me up and places me on the bed. We kiss once more. Jack then breaks it to look at the time. He sighs. "I guess, we should finish packing." I stand up and leave. I turn and smile at Jack.

"I can't wait to have some fun with you. See you, once I'm done packing." He nods and blushes.

"See you soon Luna."

Kira's Pov:

"We're going to have so much fun Malleus."

"Yes, we will my little thorn." Malleus walks over to where I'm standing and leans in as to kiss me. But before we can. We hear a knock at the door. Malleus stands and opens the door.

A Feast at The S.T.Y.XTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang