Total Concentration Training

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With gusto Yua bit into the Onigiri Ema and her little friends had brought her and Tanjiro

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With gusto Yua bit into the Onigiri Ema and her little friends had brought her and Tanjiro.

They all sat on the veranda of the Butterfly Mansion, taking a break from the Total Concentration Breathing training for Tanjiro.

Yua was listing how Kiyo was explaining the gourds training Shinobu had Kanao go through to strengthen her lungs.

You could see in Tanjiro's face that he was disbelieving that someone petite like Kanao could make them explode and he nearly fell from the veranda seeing which big gourd Kanao could now make explode.

The midnight blue-haired beauty gulped down her last bit of Onigiri with the Green Tea the girls had made for them.

"You want to have a demonstration?", asked Yua. "My family uses the same method I can make it explode too."

"Really Yua-Senpai?!"

"You don't have to shout in disbelief Kamado.", deadpanned Yua.

What? Was he more shocked or didn't he think she could do it?

But what she knew of Tanjiro he was probably only in shock.

"Girls, is it okay, if I take on the big gourd?", she asked for permission.

All four cute girls nodded with a smile.

So Yua stood up, holding the big gourd and blowing into it.

After a few seconds, it explodes!

Everybody was in awe and Tanjiro, this time, tumbled from the veranda.

"Lady Yua is amazing!", shouted the girls.

The older girl winked at them, which made them giggle.

Tanjiro sat back at the veranda.

"That was amazing, Yua-Senpai!", he yelled "I'll give it my all!"

"You do that, so back to training!"

"Yes, Yua-Senpai!"

"You can do it Master Tanjiro!", cheered the four little girls him on.

The two Demon Slayers made their way back into the courtyard, while the four girls cleaned up.

"Alright Kamado, we already established that you can't do Total Concentration for long.", began Yua.

He nodded disappointed at himself.

"So I will show you some breathing exercises and a little trick to expand the volume of your lungs."

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