Chapter 490 - Coincidence

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“Alright. Let’s end things here today. Practice some more when you get home and we’ll meet again at the same time tomorrow. I want to see your progress,” Liang Xiaoyu said as he patted Xie Xie on the shoulder. Then he disappeared in a flicker. 

Damn he’s fast! Xie Xie surveyed the area, trying to catch a glimpse of Liang Xiaoyu. There were many mysteries surrounding the man. Such as why Liang Xiaoyu would choose to impart his techniques onto him. They were practically strangers! Liao Xiaoyu didn’t seem to be a teacher either, yet he was allowed to freely come and go through school grounds. 

Xie Xie had voiced his questions before. All he received for his efforts was for Liang Xiaoyu to brush it off, telling him not to worry. Xie Xie didn’t push the issue afterward.

He dragged his exhausted body back to the dormitory. Letting out a sigh, he found himself fixated at Yuanen Yehui’s door. Then his gaze drifted to the window. Another pair of eyes met his. An instant later, the curtains jerked closed. 

Xie Xie recalled the scene he witnessed yesterday. His heart quivered. I have to cultivate harder! If I can at least match Yuanen’s strength, I might still stand a chance! The fatigue vanished from his body. Determination pumped through his veins as he ran to the sink and splashed water on his face. 

He heard a creak behind him and spun around just in time to see Yuanen Yehui open her door and walk out. She was back in men’s clothing, not sparing him a single glance as she walked away. 

Heart thumping hard, Xie Xie raced after her. “Yuanen, where are you going?” 

She remained silent, ignoring him. 

“Are you grabbing food? I’ll go with you. How about it? I’m hungry too.” Xie Xie remained at her tail like a puppy. 

Faster than lightning she stopped in place and turned to face him, an eerie calm in her expression. Xie Xie averted his gaze and looked to the sky, a whistle from his lips. 

“You bastard!” Yuanen Yehui spat out. She had no intention of letting him do what he wanted, and picked up her pace until it resembled a sprint. 

But Xie Xie did not drop his pursuit. This time he kept silent, maintaining a measured distance of half a pace behind her, matching her every step. 

Yuanen Yehui left campus, her steps quickening as she joined the people littering the streets. She ignored Xie Xie, trying to lose him in the crowd. But he stuck to her like gum, never leaving her side the entire time. 

She stopped, spinning on her heel to smack him with a sharp glare. “Are you done yet?”

After scanning the area, Xie Xie bowed his head slightly, his view in line with his feet. He snickered. “Your family doesn’t own this street, right? If you can walk down it, then so can I.” 

“Shameless!” Yuanen Yehui snarled, but she didn’t dare lay a hand on him on the busy street.

Xie Xie smiled. “How’d you know my nickname? Everyone called me that when I was a small kid.” 

“You!” Yuanen Yehui stared him down. Although she wanted to thrash him right then and there, Xie Xie preemptively took a step back from her. There was no way she could match the reaction time of an agility-type. Snorting, Yuanen Yehui decided to stick with the original plan: ignore him. He could follow her all he wanted, but as soon as she finished eating she was heading back to campus. 

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