13: Chilly nights in Paris

Start from the beginning

"Luka, why is love so hard?" Y/n asked. Luka lifted y/n's face as both their eyes met and replied, "It's not hard, it's just a little confusing and complicated if you don't know how you truly feel about yourself." Y/n sniffled and wiped her face, smearing a little bit of her makeup before apologizing for looking ugly.

"Y/n, you were never ugly, with or without makeup. You're just as beautiful as the first time our eyes met." Luka commented as he pulled y/n into a comforting hug.

"Thank you, Luka." Y/n sniffled as she hugged him back even tighter.

"Why don't we go home now." Luka suggested as both of them stood up. After taking a few steps, y/n winced in pain and started blaming the shoes she wore.

"Stupid court shoes, I should never have worn you today." Y/n blamed as Luka couldn't help but laugh. He then knelt down in front of y/n and said, "Hop on."

"What are you doing exactly?" Y/n asked.

"Don't you want a ride home?" Luka asked.

"You're back is going to hurt." Y/n replied.

"It's fine, better than you walking on your two legs with heels am I right?" Luka asked. Y/n sighed as she hopped onto Luka's back.

"Whatever you do don't drop me." Y/n warned.

"I'm not going to drop you, don't worry." Luka smiled as he continued walking with y/n on his back.


"It was nice spending the night with you Marinette, even though I'm not much of a fancy dancer." Adrien started when he reached the doorstep of Marinette's house.

"That's alright, I'm not someone who's good at dancing unlike my sister." Marinette said. "Speaking of which I wonder where is she, I didn't see her and Luka when we left." She continued.

"Luka asked your sister to the dance?" Adrien asked.

"Yeah. Remember that day when we went to the museum last month?" Marinette asked as Adrien nodded.

"Before you came y/n and Luka went out already. I think he's gotten a crush on my sister and my sister has been gushing about him ever since they first met at a Kitty Section practice." Marinette explained.

"Y/n and Luka look like they were made for each other." Adrien commented.

"Speaking of y/n and Luka, is that them? Luka is piggybacking my sister." Marinette exclaimed as she caught sight of y/n who was on Luka's back as they walked towards Marinette and Adrien.

"Hi Adrien, it's been a while." Luka started as y/n got off Luka's back.

"Hey Adrien, how was your night with my sister?" Y/n asked. "I'm surprised your father let you stay out this late tonight." She continued.

"I'm just waiting for my bodyguard but my night with your sister was great, what about yours?" Adrien asked.

"Luka and I had the best night." Y/n replied, looping her arm around Luka's.

"Are you sure, your makeup looks a bit smeared." Marinette asked.

"Oh, it was some dust in my eyes, nothing serious." Y/n lied.

"I think I see my bodyguard. Marinette, just to reconfirm this Friday night a movie after dinner?" Adrien reconfirmed.

"Yeah, see you at the cinema." Marinette smiled. "And see you at school tomorrow." She continued.

"See you tomorrow girls, nice to see you again Luka." Adrien smiled as he jogged to the grey car that was parked nearby.

"I better get going too, we'll talk again tomorrow y/n." Luka smiled as he bid the twins goodbye.

"Man, I wish I could tell you about my night but I'm really tired right now." Y/n yawned as the two sisters entered the house. "Also, there is no way I'm ever wearing these court shoes again." She continued, taking off her shoes and tossing them into the shoe cabinet.

"Oh, you'll tell me why Luka was giving you a piggyback first." Marinette asked.

"Wearing heels is the worst, I swear. Don't your feet hurt too?" Y/n asked as she took off her shoes.

"Of course they do, Adrien carried me back here bridal style and everyone started taking pictures of the both of us." Marinette replied.

"And I'm guessing Chloe's blood was boiling?" Y/n asked.

"Oh, you should have seen the jealously on her face" Marinette smirked. "Well, I'll give you the details about my night tomorrow, I'm super drained right now." She continued.

"Yeah same for me, night sis." Y/n said.

"Night." Marinette replied back as she headed to the bathroom to take a quick shower while y/n waited for her turn to get ready for bed. Staring at herself in the mirror, the compliment Luka gave y/n kept playing in her head as well as his advice for her.

"Y/n, you're never ugly, with or without makeup. You're just as beautiful as the first time our eyes met."

"Well, there's this guy whom since the first day I met I can't stop thinking about him. He's really tall and his eyes are as sparkly as the ocean. I'm not sure if I should confess or not and I feel like every day I fall for him even harder than the previous."

"Do I maybe know him?"

"If I tell you who it is you might know who it is."

"If you really like him, you should confess. Have that courage in you and spill out your feelings, or else no one would know how you feel except for yourself."

"Luka, I love you but I don't know if you feel the same." Y/n sighed as she wiped off the rest of her makeup and threw away the makeup wipes. She then laid on her bed and thought about her night with Luka. 

Word count: 1666

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