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          Finally the team are ready to battle, they got very prepared because they are attacking the next day.
  The day to defeat the evil ones is finally here, Alex was rushing because he wants to go back home and also save his brother.
   The team were ready to fight Elena opened the portal and they went to the'for sure death premises '(black angel and white demon's resident). Well ,well, well, we weren't expecting any visitors but I guess we got an unexpected one (black angel said while showing off her yellowish teeth),and we would be a nud if we don't welcome them (white demon said and starts laughing), Blue told him to close his brown teeth that it's disgusting, seriously it is (Agatha said), well that's nature (white demon replied), well that isn't nature that's you (Alexander fired back),and let's get down to business (Alex said), they started fighting, black angel said that they have gotten stronger but still no match for them , the statement made Blue angry because she hates it when someone underestimates her so she decided to use her amulet,she turned her hands into metal and punched black angel as hard as she can, the punch made black angel angry that she summons her soldiers,it didn't take long and the soldiers were everywhere, so since the team didn't have any soldier so they decided to make theirs, Alexander used her amulet and formed a rock in a human form then Elena breathed the breath of life to it and that was how they formed their soldiers and sent them to attack their enemies, when the soldiers were fighting the team went straight to the house that was there, when they entered, black angel and white demon was sitting on a big chair more like a throne, black angel said that they came too soon, when the black angel was blabbing Agatha noticed someone on hostage, Agatha rushed and removed what they tied her mouth with, Agatha asked her who she was and the girl told her that she is Ivy and she has the power of nature and she's worried that something is wronged with nature, Agatha told her that the amulet of nature is broken Ivy told Agatha to bring it so that it can be repaired, Agatha rushed to tell Elena only to find out that the fight has started so she dragged Elena out and told her what happened so Elena rushed home and got the amulet, after a while Ivy was through so the trees came back to life and everywhere was brightened, finally all of them turned to fight, white demon was like wow six against two and............ , before he was through with his statement they we're already rapped with root,then Agatha litted both of them up and they got burnt into ashes, immediately their flesh got burnt their souls faded away, their soldiers outside also died and so did Elena's.
       When the team went back they found out that everything was back to normal,Aiva (Agatha's sister was back),so Agatha had to go back home but promised that she would always visit, Alex got his brother and went home and also promised to always stop by, Blue said the same and they all went to their different homes.
        Agatha and Alexander later became the two head girls because they saved so many people. The students were surprised to see Agatha and Alexander talking and playing together because they were worst enemies.
     Agatha and Alexander were so happy that everything was back to normal and they are also proud of themselves because they saved a lot of lives.
     Though they still want to find out what happened to their mother but they decided to rest before starting another missions.

Mystery behind the secret doorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora