I further direct that my Personal Representative shall pay out of my estate any and all estate and inheritance taxes payable by reason of my death in respect of all items included in the computation of such taxes, whether passing under this Will or otherwise. Said taxes shall be paid by my Personal Representative as if such taxes were my debts without recovery of any part of such tax payments from anyone who receives any item included in such computation.

2. Personal Representative

I nominate and appoint Geronimo Stilton of Whale Town, Whale Island as Personal Representative of my estate and I request that he be appointed temporary Personal Representative if he applies. If my Personal Representative fails or ceases to so serve, then I nominate Theodora Stilton of Whale Town, Whale Island to serve.

3. Disposition of Property

I devise and bequeath my property, both real and personal and wherever situated, as follows:

1st Beneficiary: Benjamin Thales Stilton, currently of 57 Cheddar Street, 18137 New Mouse City, Mouse Island, as my son with 50% of all of my possessions, assets, and properties.

2nd Beneficiary: Geronimo Stilton, currently of 4 Beach Lane, 21453 Whale Town, Whale Island, as my brother, with 25% of all of my possessions, assets, and properties.

3rd Beneficiary: Theodora Stilton, currently of 22 Mouseford Street, 21121 Whale Town, Whale Island, as my sister with 25% of all of my possessions, assets, and properties.

If any of my beneficiaries have pre-deceased me, then any property that they would have received if they had not pre-deceased me shall be distributed in equal shares to the remaining beneficiaries.

If any of my property cannot be readily sold and distributed, it may be donated to any charitable organization(s) of my Personal Representative's choice. If any property cannot be sold or donated, my Personal Representative may dispose of such property. I authorize my Personal Representative to pay administration expenses of my estate.

Alice Bernadette Stilton

Testator Signature


Testator (Printed Name)

The foregoing instrument, was on this day of 30 April, 2013, subscribed on each page and at the end thereof by Alice Bernadette Stilton, the above-named Testator, and by her signed, sealed, published and declared to be her Last Will and Testament, in the presence of us and each of us, who thereupon, at her request, in her presence, and in the presence of each other, have hereunto subscribed our names as attesting witnesses thereto.

Bernadette Isadora Stilton

Witness Signature

William Edgar Stilton

Witness Signature


I, Alice Bernadette Stilton, resident of New Mouse City, Mouse Island, publish and declare this Parental Appointment of Guardian, revoking all prior appointments at any time made by me.

Below are my children and their dates of birth:

Benjamin Thales Stilton 23 April 2023

Should any child(ren) of mine be under the age of eighteen as of the date of my death, I appoint Geronimo Stilton and Theodora Stilton, jointly, as their legal guardian(s).

No Guardian shall be required to file or furnish any bond, surety, or other security in any jurisdiction.

In witness whereof, I, Alice Bernadette Stilton sign my name to this instrument as a Parental Nomination of Guardian on this day of 30 April, 2013, and being first duly sworn, do hereby declare to the undersigned authority that I sign and execute this instrument, that I sign it willingly, that I execute it as my free and voluntary act and deed for the purposes therein expressed, and that I am at least eighteen years of age, of sound mind, and under no constraint, duress, fraud or undue influence

Alice Bernadette Stilton

30 April 2013

The silence hung thick in the air as Geronimo and Thea read through the documents that the Stiltons' lawyer had sent over.

"Of course, Alice," Thea whispered, as if replying to her sister's request.

However, she was trembling as she stood there, cradling Benjamin in her arms, with silent tears running down her cheeks. Then, she looked up at Geronimo.

"But, 'ronimo, how?" she whispered. "I'm twenty bloody years old, and you're also just twenty-four. I'm a sophomore at uni, and you're a PhD student," she listed the odds stacked against them. "Are we supposed to be parents now? How are we even going to-?" her voice trailed off as she pressed her forehead to Benjamin's.

Geronimo looked back at her, and he swallowed hard, fighting back tears of his own. "I don't know, Thea," he admitted, "But we'll manage. Somehow. Right, Benjamin?" he then whispered to the baby, gently stroking his cheek.

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