Chapter 405 - Devil Titan

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By bringing the full power of his draconic blood to bear and using Golden Dragon Body, Tang Wulin and his three soul rings were able to stand on even ground with the five-meter tall Yuanen Yehui whose strength was bolstered by Diamond Titan!

Out of everyone present, this undoubtedly shocked Yuanen Yehui the most. She knew that Tang Wulin was strong, but she thought he wouldn’t be able to match her, especially since she just got her fourth soul ring. She had been certain that the gap between them had widened. Yet Tang Wulin’s strength surpassed all her expectations. His battle armor equipped dragon claw astounded her most of all. She had no choice but to bring out her reserve strength to resist the claw’s crushing effect. Even with a cultivation base of four soul rings, she couldn’t get off lightly before Tang Wulin’s attacks.

Just how strong is this guy’s blood essence? Even with Diamond Titan activated, I can’t match his strength! Is this the difference between men and women? That can’t be! I’ve never met a guy as strong as him before!

Tang Wulin felt free. His blood essence flowed in reverse, smooth and unhindered. His entire body felt as if it were aflame, blazing with strength. Every single one of his attacks hit like a truck, especially those he made with his right arm. The gauntlet amplified the effects of his blood essence, added weight to his punches, and made his golden dragon claw deadlier than ever.

The basis of a battle armor’s power was the armor’s ability to fuse with its user. Only when it became one with its user could battle armor truly amplify its user’s abilities. Then, by nurturing it and increasing the compatibility rate, the user would be able to have the battle armor grow stronger alongside them.

Although Tang Wulin didn’t craft his gauntlet with his own hands, by forging the star silver it had been made from, it was exceptionally compatible with him. The strength of his blood essence exceeded the norm to begin with, but with the gauntlet, his strength reached new heights. The gauntlet fully integrated with his Golden Dragon King bloodline, and after a few days of adapting to him, the gauntlet also brought newfound strength to it.

Although he couldn’t defeat Yuanen Yehui right at that instant, he could easily keep her occupied.

Yuanen Yehui’s gaze sharpened. Her first soul ring lit up, switching off with her third to use Titan Strength. Her immense body seemed to become more solid, an aura of unstoppable might growing thick around her. She had always been a straightforward person, so she refused to show weakness in the face of Tang Wulin’s strength.  

The two clashed again, the stage rumbling from the shockwaves created by their fists colliding once more. This time, Tang Wulin was the loser. He moved eight steps backward while Yuanen Yehui only retreated by three. However, the greatness of battle armor was apparent now. The majority of the impact had been mitigated by a burst of starlight that Tang Wulin’s gauntlet had released. Considering how tough his dragon claw was, he had sustained virtually no damage. His arm simply ached a little. He held his hand in front of his stomach, the scales on his arm rippling as if it were breathing. Taking that attack had depleted a lot of his stamina, and although he had lost that exchange, he suffered no actual setback.

Tang Wulin sucked in a deep breath, his abdomen swelling as his lungs filled with air. His eyes shone with golden light, his aura of gold solidified, and a thundering draconic roar emanated from his body, reverberating through the air!

From his seat up on the platform, Scarlet Dragon Douluo Zhuo Shi stared wide-eyed. That brat really succeeded?

Streams of gold converged around Tang Wulin to form an illusory dragon’s head behind him. He thrust his palms toward the sky and the dragon’s roar grew more intense. The space around him went into a frenzy, preventing the blizzard from even approaching him.

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