His chest felt so heavy, he was sure there was something big and heavy and invisible pressing right on it, squeezing it until he couldn't breathe.

He stared at Taehyung who was tearing the room apart looking for something. He stared helplessly as his world was crashing around him. He felt faint and no matter how deeply he tried to breathe, the oxygen just didn't seem to reach his lungs.

"Fuck!!" Taehyung dragged a hand through his hair. "Where the fuck is my phone?" He looked around again, tossing the cushions on the sofa. "Did you hide it?" He looked accusingly at Jungkook.

Jungkook meekly shook his head. How low did he truly think of him?

"Aarrrggghhh" Taehyung screamed in frustration. "I need to call Jimin."

Jungkook couldn't take it anymore. He escaped into the bathroom to get away from the tornado that was Kim Taehyung.

He stood at the sink and stared up at his reflection in the mirror. His lips were swollen, the corner of his lower lip was extremely tender. He touched it and was flashed with images of Taehyung pushing him into the wall at the club and biting his lip while devouring him. He moved lower to the large purplish hickey on his neck and trailed lower still, on his chest. His entire body bore signs of their lovemaking.

A lone tear slid down Jungkook's cheek. Had none of it been real? Had it meant nothing to Tae?

The dream that was last night, had shattered completely and its sharp edges stabbed his eyes, making hot tears flow down his face. The stabbing pain, then traveled from his eyes onto his heart as the silent tears turned to full blown sobs.

Jungkook covered his nose and mouth in an attempt to  muffle the sound. His knees buckled as he sank to the floor.

He should have never let it happen.

He was drunk, yes. Just as drunk as all of them, but he did have moments of clarity in between. He should have stopped it. But a part of him had so desperately wanted it to be real that he hadn't even thought of the consequences.

He crawled into the shower cubicle and turned the water on. He let it wash away his pain.

Even as the scalding hot water took away the remnants of last night from his body, it failed to take them away from his mind. The hickeys on his body would fade in time but, how was he to erase the imprint of Tae's lovemaking from his mind, his heart.

Jungkook closed his eyes, and the image of Taehyung, looking at him like he was the most disgusting thing he had ever laid eyes on, flashed into his mind, breaking him down completely.

Was he disgusting? He had known he would probably never be worthy Taehyung, but to have it thrown in his face like that had completely robbed him of all of his self worth.

He was disgusting.

Violent sobs racked his body until he crumbled under the weight of the pain in his chest.


Jimin woke to a insistent vibration under his stomach. He raised his head sleepily and groaned at the sharp pain that flashed through his temples. He blinked a few times and then looked at the half naked man lying beside him.

He blinked again and then his eyes widened as realization struck him. That man was not his boyfriend.

Jimin screamed his head off as he rose from the bed.

His scream startled the man sleeping beside him who also screamed and fell off the bed. Right on top of the tangle of bodies lying on the floor. Multiple groans sounded through the room.

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