Part 33

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Aera's pov

Y/n:: Oh I forgot it is not Hickey. I was straightening her hair with the machine. I accidentally hit her neck.
She is very good at lying. After all she is my sissy.
Jungkook:: Ok. But would you two to have a cake made by Jin hyung?
Aera/Y/n:: No.
Then Y/n drags me to her room. She looked at me angrily. What should I tell her about the Hickey.
Y/n:: Now tell me how you get that Hickey from? Where were you whole night.
Aera:: I was at the mansion.
Y/n:: With whom?
Aera:: Tae-ho. Now he is my boyfriend.
Y/n:: WHAT??!! Did he know about your I mean our identities???
Aera:: Y-yes.
Aera:: Don't scream. Only he knows our identities and he promised me that he will not tell anyone about this not even his own brother.
Y/n:: *sighs* ok. By the way. How was your night. (Teasingly)
I was red as tomato when she said that.
Y/n:: You don't need to answer. Hickeys on your neck showing everything. But hide them what if mom see's it.
I nodded my head. Then Y/n went towards her drawer and take out makeup kit.
Y/n:: Let me help you to hide that.

Jin's pov

They are still not forgiving us. It's all my fault to not to stop Taehyung and Jimin from bullying them. I made the cake for all of us. In the dinner time I will give them.
Jimin:: Hyung. I don't think that was from the machine.
Jin:: What are you talking about Jimin??
Jimin:: That hickey on Aera's neck. I am damn sure that someone did this to her.
Taehyung:: Yes hyung if Jimin says that means it's true. Because he is most experienced person among us in this kind of things.
Jungkook:: If she has a boyfriend. I don't have problem but if he broke her. I will break his bones.
Jimin:: Yes Jungkook I am with you.
Taehyung:: Me too.
Jin:: Ok. Now think something to make them happy. So that they can forgive us. I am also thinking.

Tae-ho's pov

I reached our home. Tae-mo looked at me suspiciously.
Tae-mo:: What work you were doing whole night? You also know mom was so worried about you. I told her not to worry.
Tae-ho:: I was with Jack. And you know what.....
Oh shit I forgot I don't have to tell him also. Let's just say half truth.
Tae-mo:: What??
Tae-ho:: I proposed Jack. And he said yes.
Tae-mo:: What??!!! You are also gay??
Tae-ho:: What do mean by also?
Tae-mo:: Aah- nothing.
Tae-ho:: Say it. Wait you also love Jack?
Tae-mo:: What? No. I don't love Jack. I love Hyun.
I smirk. Poor boy don't even know Hyun's real identity.
Tae-ho:: Then go and propose Hyun. What are you waiting for?
Tae-mo:: I don't want this early. I mean I love him there is no doubt but I want him to fall for me. I will make him fall for me then I will propose him.
Tae-ho:: As you wish.
I said sitting on the couch. I saw mom coming towards me.
Kang Bora:: Where were you Tae-ho. I was so worried for you.
Tae-ho:: No need to worry mom. I was working.
Tae-mo:: Mom you know he proposed someone.
Bora:: What really?! But who?
Tae-mo:: His name is Jack.
Bora:: You proposed a boy? Means you're gay?
Tae-ho:: Aah- mom about that.
Bora:: I don't have any problem my child but make sure that you love him.
She said while caressing my head.
Tae-ho:: Y-you don't have problem with that?
Bora:: No Tae-ho I don't have any problem. Love is love. Love doesn't see any gender or don't follow any rules.
Tae-ho:: So one more thing I have to tell you.
Bora:: Yeah say.
Tae-ho:: Tae-mo also loves a boy named Hyun. But the thing is that he is not proposing him.
Bora:: When are you going to propose Tae-mo?
Tae-mo:: Soon mom.
Then mom hugs both of us. Then she kissed our forehead. We both smiled.

Name:: Kang BoraNature:: Sweet, caring and kind

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Name:: Kang Bora
Nature:: Sweet, caring and kind.
Family:: Husband died in an accident, two sons.
She knows about her son's mafia work. When she was young she was also mafia.
TO BE CONTINUED.........DON'T GO WITHOUT VOTING AND COMMENT. 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜.

Mafia stepbrother"s(BTS ff)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora