Chapter 378 - New Companions

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“Did they plan this?” Xie Xie was fuming. “They’re just taking advantage of this competition to single you out. I bet they knew about the match a long time ago.”

“It’s fine.” Tang Wulin shook his head, then turned to Ye Xinglan. “As you just saw, I’m being shunned by our classmates right now.” He made to return to his seat.

“Wait a second,” she called out.

“Huh?” Tang Wulin stopped in his tracks, turning back to face her.

Knowing the situation, he thought that no reasonable person would want to join his team.Ye Xinglan singlehandedly shattered his expectations.

She rose from her seat and looked him straight in the eye. “Actually, I like being isolated. I’ll join you guys.”

Like an ocean wave, her words swept through the classroom, leaving everyone drenched in shock. She likes being isolated? There are actually people like this? Is she crazy?

Unlike the others, Tang Wulin picked up on the unwavering solemnity in her eyes. This girl’s got some story to her!

“Alright. Welcome to the team.” Tang Wulin offered his hand and Ye Xinglan accepted.

Xu Lizhi grinned as he watched. “Great! This is fantastic!”

After shaking hands with Ye Xinglan, Tang Wulin flipped around, shifting his attention to the spectators in the room. “I’m sure everyone’s aware of the situation by now,” he said, making sure to project his voice. “There’s this idea floating around that I’m unjustly occupying the position of class president. And to that, I have to say no. I earned this position with my strength. Since some of you don’t believe that, use this competition to verify for yourselves. If me and my team aren’t selected to represent our class, I will resign from being the class president.”

Tang Wulin paused to let his words sink in, directing his gaze toward Wu Siduo, Luo Guixing, Xu Yucheng, Yang Nianxia, and Zheng Yiran. His eyes flickered gold, his pupils narrowing into vertical slits as he stared them down, blood essence surging within his body. “But if my team wins, don’t you dare provoke me!”

His declaration struck everyone mute. The crowd parted as he made his way to the front of the classroom, confidence dripping from his body.

“Report your groups to me here,” Tang Wulin said. 

Luo Guixing was the first to approach him, a faint smile on his lips. “Class president, here’s my group of five.”

The two locked gazes. Luo Guixing wore his usual insincere smile, which contrasted with Tang Wulin’s serene expression. No one could fathom their thoughts.

An explosive aura around the two, akin to a ticking time bomb, kept the rest of the class holding their tongues. One by one each group signed up, letting slip not a peep in the process. Some looked at Tang Wulin with eyes of contempt. Some sneered, others were indifferent, and some even showed sympathy.

However, there was no one who truly saw him for who he was. Luo Guixing’s team of five rankers was powerful, especially with a top ten ranker like Wu Siduo amidst them. On the other hand, the cornerstones of Tang Wulin’s group were him and Gu Yue. Compared to them, Xie Xie and Xu Xiaoyan weren’t anything special. Even with the addition of the two new students, no one believed they could overcome that golden team.

“You may all leave now,” Tang Wulin said after accomplishing his duty, promptly making for the door.

Gu Yue, Xie Xie, Xu Xiaoyan, Xu Lizhi, and Ye Xinglan followed him out.

The moment the last of their team left the classroom, everyone exploded into chatter.

“Who does he think he is to provoke the Five Greats?” This statement mirrored the majority’s thoughts.

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