"We have to keep her hydrated and nourished," Mipha retrieves a large bottle of water from the bag along with multivitamin supplements. "Her body has likely been deprived of essential nutrients for quite some time. We should also closely monitor her vital signs, especially her heart rate and blood pressure."

"Is there a risk to withdrawal?" I ask, curiously looking at all the things she brought with her. She takes out a digital thermometer and a small blood pressure monitor.

Mipha nods. "Yes, considering the severity of her drug use. Withdrawal can be challenging and even dangerous, so we need to be prepared to support her through this process. It's essential to keep a close eye on any symptoms she may experience."

Mipha reveals a white bottle of pain relievers and a yellow bottle with a tag that reads Methadone. Finally, she hands me a bunch of medical supplies that I recognize from the first aid kit in my room: antiseptic wipes, bandages, gauze pads...

"Mipha..." I pause, taking in the sight. "You really don't have to be part of this. I just... I didn't know who else to call."

"It's okay, Zelda. I'm glad you called me. I will show you how to clean the needle marks and bruises."  

"You're so cool," I say without much thought. 

She smiles vaguely. "By cleaning her skin, we can address any infections or wounds she might have." 

I feel like I'm in medical school, getting lectured by Professor Mipha. I listen as attentively as I do in class. 

"In addition to the physical aspects, we should consider Malice's emotional well-being," I say.

Substance abuse must take a great toll on one's mental health, and Malice might need someone to talk to and provide emotional support. Not that she would ever want to open up to me, but maybe she can appreciate the thought.

"Say, Mipha..." I get up to get a closer look at Malice and the supplies that surround her. "Where'd you get all of this?" I pick up the Methadone pills. "Is this over-the-counter?"

She's focused on cleaning Malice's arms, but she calmly responds. "It's not. However, it is effective in managing intense pain and addressing opioid addiction."

I won't ask any further. Maybe I'd pester for answers if it were Link I was talking to, but Mipha and I are allowed to have secrets from each other. If she has a way to get prescription drugs without a prescription, then that's a secret she is allowed to have. As long as she keeps my secret of having Malice stay at my house, I'll keep her secrets.

When she's done with Malice, she turns to me, taking my arm into her gentle touch. "Let me take a look at your wounds now."

"Oh, it's nothing..."

"Zelda, please," she calmly says, her yellow eyes looking up at me with so much compassion and care that it's impossible to decline. "You don't want to risk an infection. I doubt the blade that cut you was sanitized."

While Mipha cleans the cuts on my arms, I try to come up with a lie for Father. Maybe I can tell him I went biking and had an accident. Or I could say I tried to do a flip into the pool and hit the edge. There's no way he'd believe that.

I can cover up my arms and legs, but my face? I will have to come up with something believable for that one. Maybe a friend's cat scratched my face. I will keep a bandaid on my face until the cut has healed and hopefully he won't ask too many questions. I could even say it happened in Japan and there would be no way for him to investigate the truth.

Mipha finishes patching up my arms before turning her attention to my leg. Her gentle touch is in stark contrast to the pain I feel, both physically and emotionally. As she carefully removes the bandage, her expert eyes inspect the wound thoroughly.

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