⠀↝Almost makes my heart burst

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The day has gone and it's now night, well sunset, a really beautiful one.

Shelly takes her phone out of her cross-body to take a picture of the view.

"It's pretty, yeah?" Her voice breaks the comfortable silence.

Jay clears his throat with a nod "mhm yeah."

His view is even better, the blonde girl looks pretty as she admires the sunset.

The light breeze ruffles the ends of her hair and the light coldness causes her pale cheeks to shine a light red.

Maybe she's cold? She did dress pretty light after all.

"Do.. you want my jacket?.." He offers as he starts taking off his bag.

Shelly looks at him and smiles "Yes, please." she puts her phone back in her bag "Oh, but won't you be cold?"

He takes the jacket off and sets it on her shoulders.

"No, I have my jumper on under."

He has a dark blue jumper on under the jacket.

She smiles "Ah."

He always plans ahead.

She shuffles her arms into the sleeves to wear it properly.

Jay watches and holds back a chuckle at how big it is on her.

"It's big on you." He comments looking at how it covers her lovely thighs.

The girl giggles as she zips it up "Yeah."

It's so big on her which makes her look even cuter than she already is.

Jay subtly smiles and gently places his hand on her forearm "You.. can wear my jackets whenever you want."

Shelly blushes at his comment, her cheeks turning even redder on her pale skin, but smiles at his sweetness.


Jay's heart beats faster at the short sentence, she says it often and to their friends but why is it different this time?

"Mhmm yeah."

Shelly sighs and takes ahold of his cold hand "We should start heading home, huh?"

Jay wraps his hand around hers.


The two start walking down the street, hands interlocked.

Jay squeezes her cold, pale hand gently the feeling comforting.

"You get cold easily, I'll always give you my jackets, Shelly."

To już koniec opublikowanych części.

⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Nov 09, 2023 ⏰

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