Chapter 4: It's rude to refuse food

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Rize:It seems there are some problems.

Hinami was given a room to stay in while Ryouko talked with Yoshimura. Kumagawa offered to give the girl a cofee to calm down.

When he entered he saw Hinami woth her eyes changed. Blood leaked from her mouth with pieces of human flesh on a plate in front of her.

Kumagawa:[Oh, did I bother you while you were eating?]

Hinami:N...No. It's alright.

Kumagawa:[I've brought you a cofee. I guess it wouldn't usually be given to a child, but than again the metabolism is largely different.]

Hinami:Onii-san...Which are you?


Hinami:You don't smell like one of us at all. If you were, I'd have known. Even from a distancance.

Kumagawa:[Yeah, I'm a human. Biologically, at least.]

Hinami:And you stay here with everyone?

Kumagawa:[It's really so uncommon?]

Hinami:Yes. I've never heard of something like that.

Kumagawa:[Heh, guess I'm pretty abnormal!]

Hinami continued to drink her cofee is silence. Kumagawa noticed a book on the sofa and picked it up.

Kumagawa:[Short stories? Even if you don't go to school, you're still learning to read. How earnest.]

Hinami:Do you like to read, Onii-san?

Kumagawa:[Yeah, although my preferate is Shounen Jump.]

Hinami:I see...

Kumagawa:[But I hate main characters.]

Hinami:Eh? Isn't that contradictory?

Kumagawa:[It's fine to have contradictory hobbies. Like stalking a guy you're so agressive with from behind a door.]

Touka:Drop dead!



Rize:And this is the great Kirishima Touka. What an sneaky and agile girl, indeed.

Touka:You're having fun out of this, aren't you?

Rize:Generally, yes

Najimi:Although Kumagawa-kun seems to genuinly likes you?

Touka looked comfused at her statement. Wasn't he just harassing her?

Najimi:Although he may seem cheerful, Kumagawa-kun is a pretty apatethic person overall. Even if he knows he's being stalked, he wouldn't pay it any mind because he thinks it's not worth the effort. For him to actively engage in banter with you does show that he has an genuine affection towards you, Touka-chan.

To this, Touka had no way of responding. So she just choose to stay silent.

Yoshimura called Touka and Kumagawa back to talk with them and Rize. He looked really serious.

Yoshimura:Doves are in the 20th Ward.


Kumagawa smashed his fist on the table as he shout, making the others stare awkardly at him. Not even his own girlfriend wasn't sure how to react.

Yoshimura:No, I was refering to ghoul invastigators.



Rize:So I must go to Uta for a mask.


The couple was walking through a bad looking neighborhood to get Rize a mask. Touka had come with them, much to her displeasure.

Touka:So...What was that thing with pigeons back there?

Kumagawa:[I'm not sure. For some reason, I have an irrational hatred for them. It's like I ended up in an annoying situation because of one in another reality.]


Koutaro:Is that true?

Kaneki:Uh, well. Misogi can just bw like...That.

Truth to be told, he wasn't ever under the impression of Kumagawa being an man of honor. He was a liar though and through.

It didn't bother him at all, his cousin was pretty blanant about his lies. Even when it's not just to poke fun, Kumagawa usually told kind lies.

Najimi choose to stay silent. It did actually happen, but she supposed there was no need for her to answer. She'd rather they be focused in this reality.

Touka is thankful they arrived at the studio before this got even more weird. She opened the door and they began to look for the owner.


Kumagawa pucked up a mantle to reaveal a guy with black hair in a ponytail and his ghoul eyes, or kakugan, activated. His name was Uta.



Rize:What are you doing, Uta?

Uta:I tried scaring you guys.

Uta got closer to Kumagawa and began sniffing him. If the minus had any sort of disconfort with tge sutuation, he didn't show it.

Uta:So the rumours are true...Want a snack?

Uta offered a human eyeball to Kumagawa. Behind them Touka sighed. He's human, of course he won't...

However, she was proven wrong when Kumagawa gulped diwn the eyeball without hesitation. Her mouth hanged agap.

Touka:Wha...Why did you accept it!?

Kumagawa:[Well, it tasted awful. A cultural barrier, I suppose. But I didn't want to be rude.]

Uta:...I like him. You got yourself quiet a catch, Rize.

Rize:Thank you!

Touka:...For real?

Rize:Oh, come on now. Thoughtfulness is an admirable quality, no?

Touka:Not when it leads to cannibalism! There's a reason ghouls aren't found of kakuja!

Rize:If only you knew...

Rize did get a lot of informations about the ghouls she should avoid when she escaped the Garden. She had no doubt Touka would be shocked at the number of kakujas present in the room.

On the other hand, the humans were quite disturbed. The CCG members may have seen ghouls feeding numerous times, but seeing an human being doing it was...Something else.

Hell, even a lot of ghouls were shocked. However, there was a certain non-human as nonchlant as ever.

Najimi:Yes, people shouldn't let something like cultural barriers to stop them from comunicating.

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