Taylor was watching Karlie the whole time she was driving. She had her one hand on the steering wheel as always, and ran her other hand running through her hair. The wetness on Karlie's face made her skin glow.

Taylor admired her angled cheek bones and defined jaw line. Taylor had never seen such electric green eyes before. Even being soaking wet, Karlie still looked like a model.

Karlie glanced over at Taylor and saw her staring.

"What?" She asked.

"Nothing." Taylor replied with a shrug of her shoulders.

Karlie playfully narrowed her eyes at Taylor.

"I've never seen someone look so effortlessly beautiful. I look like a wet dog, and you look like you're in a fashion shoot." Taylor said with a laugh.

Karlie blushed at Taylor comment. "You don't look like a wet dog. And even if you did, there's nothing cuter than a wet puppy." Karlie said with a smile.

Taylor laughed and let herself get lost in her thoughts.

Taylor thought about how perfect the day was. Everything that Karlie did made Taylor fall for her more. She'd never been with someone that made her feel like Karlie did.

There really was only one thing missing. She wondered if Karlie was ever going to kiss her. It felt like there had been several perfect moments, but Karlie never made a move.

Karlie reached over and placed her hand gently on Taylor's thigh. Instead of rubbing circles on her hand, Karlie made them against the skin on Taylor's leg. Taylor got goosebumps from the contact.

She turned to look at Karlie. She had a really cute smile on her face, smaller than her usual smile. She almost looked a little nervous. But she looked really happy.

Taylor decided not to worry so much about it. Karlie wasn't rushing her, so she shouldn't rush Karlie. She just wanted to remember this moment forever.

They soon pulled up to Taylor's apartment. The rain had died down and the storm seemed to pass. The sky was clear as can be but there was still a chill in the air.

Karlie got out of the car and walked to Taylor's side to help her out of the car. They walked hand in hand towards the steps of her apartment, Karlie carrying Taylor's bag of gifts she got at the zoo.

When they got to the door, Taylor turned to face Karlie.

"I..I.." Taylor stuttered her words. She really didn't want the night to end. She didn't want Karlie to go. Taylor couldn't believe that she chose now to become so nervous and not be able to form coherent sentences.

"I had a really good time with you today Kar." Taylor managed to mumble out the words.

Karlie looked at Taylor. "Yea?" She questioned shyly.

Taylor nodded her head. "Yea. It was kind of perfect. You literally pulled out all the stops. It was like something straight out of a movie, only better."

Karlie let out a nervous laugh. "I don't know about all that. I'm just glad you had a good time." She said with a smile as she looked down at their hands that were still intertwined.

Taylor looked down at her feet and tried to think of something to say. How could she tell Karlie this was the best date she's ever had? How could she tell her how much everything she did meant to her?

"So I guess this is good night?" Karlie asked as she released their hands, handing Taylor her bag and stuffing her hands in her coat pockets.

Taylor quickly looked up, realizing she was just standing there not saying anything.

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