Meeting 2 Fellow Corpses

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     As Dinah and Specter went further along the path, Dinah couldn't help but notice a few things. The trees in that part of the woods seemed to get closer and closer together the further they traveled from the clearing they had left behind. There were plenty of strange noises, outside of the odd owl's hooting. It almost seemed that the creatures in the area were entirely different from anywhere else in the world she knew before. Then she was stopped upon hearing a strange croaking like cry. Dinah paused to take a look around, frightened by the sound which had pulled her from her thoughts. As she surveyed the area, her gaze landed on Specter, it seemed that he was the cause for the noise. On top of this revelation, his pink tinged white feathers were fluffed out, and his wings were spread; all to make him appear to be bigger than he actually was.

"Specter-!?" She started to question the raven, only to be cut short by a large creature bursting through the trees.

Dinah stumbled backwards, as Specter flew away from the beast in a panic. Dinah stared at the thing horrified, and the creature appeared to be a human, forcibly stretched out. This animal, if one could call it that, had rotten flesh hanging from old stained bones, and the limbs looked like they had been broken repeatedly. Each broken bone appeared to be vaguely held together by old stretched tendons, and rotting muscles that looked half melted. The only thing that broke her from her statuesque state was the creature swinging its twisted arm down in attack. "What's wrong sister?" It asked in the voice of a young girl,"It's Opal, big sister."

     Dinah could just barely resist the urge to vomit, as bile rose into her throat. All of this while she began to cry, for those who died to this thing, and out of her fear of it. "Was that your last victim?" Dinah asked, for seemingly no reason,"Or was that your first?"

     Although the question was geared towards the voice used, it otherwise was a question asked for no other discernible reason. The creature cocked its head, and any shattered pieces of spinal column protruded as it did. Then, without further prompting, it spoke. "I don't remember anymore, all I know is that she tasted good, both sisters really. Humanity's purpose only purpose is to be food after all."

     Dinah again felt like retching, this being reeked, and the way it talked made the smell seem even worse. Her heart felt like it was sinking, this thing was intelligent, but it was clearly no longer human. "I bet you taste just as good!" It howled excitedly.

     It charged Dinah, and as it did, she evaded the beings reach. Unfortunately, part of its attack had made contact with her, and; she had dealt a deep gash to her ankle. Her first new injury was dealt by this demon. Dinah grimaced, she didn't scream, not wanting to give this animal that satisfaction. The being licked its nonexistent lips and laughed,"Prey can only run for so long!"

     Its twisted cheer ringing in her ears, as Dinah kept her teeth grit. She tried to think of away out of this mess, not moving due to trying to plan. She really didn't know what to do, as the beast began to laugh maniacally. When it was about to attack her again, Specter suddenly flew into the fray. He would dive, peck, and claw at the creature as he screeched and cried. He tactfully dodged the annoyed creatures attacks, swooping, and flapping about. Dinah was surprised, her heart was racing as she watched Specter. For the smallest moment, she just stared in awe at the exchange, then; a worry filled her mind, with the right attack, the beast could easily kill Specter. Dinah suddenly moved, getting to her feet in a flash. Dinah couldn't remember every decision she made, when she started and how she got to her ending point. One of the only flashes of memory was grabbing a rock with both of her hands, and while the creature had its head down, she slammed the rock down. She just wanted Specter to be ok, so she just moved. She stood there shaking with her arms weighed down by the rock at the end of its arc. Her breathing was labored and shaky, and her eyes were seeing in tunnel vision. Then, a small and familiar weight landed on her shoulder,"Specter?" She asked in an almost haunted voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2023 ⏰

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