No matter what

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Rune woke up to the light peaking through his window. He excitedly hopped out of bed, as today was Bao's day off! Rune rarely sees his father, on account of him protecting their village everyday. It was rare for his dad to get a day off, especially with the high tension going around the village.

Rune ran into the kitchen where he saw his father making breakfast. His mother was taking the break she deserved and sat on the couch with her eyes closed.


He ran to Bao and hugged his legs tightly.

"Ah, Rune. Did you sleep well?"

"Yes, I did! I was so excited to wake up!"

"Oh? Why is that?"

"Because it meant I was able to see you!!"


Bao hugged Rune tightly and smiled to himself. He almost never gets to hug his son like this. Bao closed his eyes, savoring this moment with his son while it lasted. Rune jumped, trying to pull himself up onto the counter. Bao picked him up and sat him down on the counter by the sink so he can watch him make breakfast. He was making Bánh cuốn. Bánh cuốn is a Vietnamese pancake, made by steaming fermented rice batter over a cloth to make thin, wavy sheets. The minced shallots, ground pork, mushrooms and fish sauce make for a healthy and delicious breakfast.

Rune stared at the food in awe, excited to eat it. Duyen wasn't very good at cooking, although he would never tell her that. Bao was the cook of the family, and Duyen was the one who provided the hugs, love and support. Rune doesn't know what he would do without his parents. He hopes he can spend forever with them.
The smell of the Bánh cuốn woke Duyen up with a smile.

"Ah, is that Bánh cuốn I smell?"

"Yes, it is dear!"

Duyen got up off of the couch and walked over to the dining table and sat down. Bao lifted Rune up and placed him in his seat before he put all three plates on the table. Rune ate his food quickly. as it was his favorite food. Rune would have Bánh cuốn for breakfast, lunch and dinner if he could.

After the family was done eating breakfast, Duyen went back to the couch and started to crochet a pouch for Rune to put his necklace in, so he wouldn't lose it. Duyen does so much for her family, she never does anything for herself. Even when she tried to take a break, she always finds herself making or doing something for her family. Duyen was crocheting and Bao was cleaning up after breakfast. Rune suddenly had an idea.

"Mẹ, Bố, come here! I wanna take a picture of you guys!"

"A picture? You don't have a camera, silly!" Duyen stopped crocheting and looked at Rune with a smile. Rune trotted over to her and whispered.

"I know, but I want to pretend. Pretend I'm holding a camera, okay?"

Duyen chuckled as she put her crocheting supplies down and called Bao over. Rune then started bossing them around like a little photographer.

"Dad, you sit right there next to mom. Mom, scoot in more!"

"Alright, alright, bossy!"

"Put your arms around each other and smile!"

Bao and Duyen looked at each other before doing what Rune told them to. Rune put his hands up in front of him and snapped a picture with his imaginary camera.

"I'm done! Want to see it?"

"Of course we-" Bao began to speak, but got cut off by shrieks of fear and yelling from outside. Duyen and Bao exchanged worried looks as Bao ran to the front window to see what was going on. Bao's eyes went wide once he realized what was happening.

"Oh my Titan..! Duyen hide Rune!"

Duyen nodded and quickly led Rune into his bedroom closet.

"Mom, what's going on..?!"

"Shh, it's okay baby, Mẹ will come back for you! Whatever you do, do not come out of the closet, do you understand?"



Rune stared in shock when he heard his mom raise her voice at him. Duyen realized that she had made Rune upset and kneeled down to hug him.

"Baby.. I'm sorry.. It's just not safe outside.. I don't want you to be hurt. So please, just- just stay in here, okay? I'll come and get you once it's safe.."

Rune nodded hesitantly and hugged his mother back, not realizing this would be the last time he would ever hug his mom; alive at least.
Duyen let go of Rune and kissed his forehead, closing the closet door and running out to go help Bao. Bao was ready with his palisman staff and his sword was sheathed. Duyen grabbed a knife from the kitchen along with her palisman staff as well. As soon as  they stepped outside, it was chaos. Dead bodies were sprawled on the ground, and fire was eating up the town. Amidst the flames were coven soldiers, trashing housing and setting fire to homes. They killed every single wild witch that got in their way.

"Duyen. We need to protect Rune, no matter what."

"No matter what."

A coven soldier spotted them, and that's when their fight began.




Tortured Soul -OC backstory: Rune Zhu-Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz