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It's the next day after school and you're already excited for the party.
You were in your room listening to some music while you picked an outfit. Maybe tonight you'll finally meet a guy that was just made for you.
You do your make-up and get dressed, meanwhile you start drinking so your mood was already gonna be up when u arrived the party.
You take your car keys not caring about any consequences and drive over to the address , today you didn't wanna worry about anything.

You arrive at the location, it was a beautiful huge house. There were a lot of people already even tho wasn't that late yet. You grab your bottle of vodka that you were drinking straight out of and walk into the house.
You found a few people you knew and start drinking and dancing with them when after some time you feel a tuck on your shirt.
"Hey girl!"
You turn to look at the girl and it was one of your food friends. "Shelly! I didn't expect you here." You smile and hug her.

"Ahw you know I'm.. spontaneous? Hey, let's play a game they're playing truth or dare over here." She pulls you over to the seating area and you could already feel the alcohol doing it's job.
Party games weren't usually your thing but why not give it a try today. Suddenly you feel the couch sink in next to you and as you turn your head you couldn't believe who you saw.
"No, are you kidding me? I can't have you off my mine for a second right?! You do this on purpose!"

Patrik smirks "That's adorable, I'm always on your mind."
You just shake your head and lean back into the couch taking a big sip of vodka.

He raises his brow as he saw you drink it, looking confused as to why anyone would drink straight up vodka.

The game already started and after a few rounds it was Patrick's turn. During the game everyone was all giggly because you started reaching the vodka around and the questions and dares got crazier.

Patricks eyes fall on you "Mhh. Y/N, truh or dare?"
"Ohh that was so predictable. Dare." You look at him with a slight smirk but could tell, from the look on his face you might not have made the best decision.
"For the fact that I'm always on your mind, you sure wanna kiss me then."

The people started cheering for you and you didn't really know what to do at first but one thing was clear. If you pussied out Patrick got you right where he wanted you.
You take another big sip of vodka before leaning in to kiss him. He places a hand on the back of your head, pulling you in and to your surprise he wasn't even a terrible kisser.
You then pull away wiping your lips.
"That's enough. I'm gonna throw up."

"I can't believe that happened!" Shelly said.
"Me neither." You answer and start laughing.

You keep playing the game when another guy, Jonas asked you again.
"Truth this time, I think I have got enough of dares." You say and look at Patrick that was just smirking at you.

"Okay uhh.. What's your body count?" he asks.
You raise your brows "My.. uh.."
Shelly interrupts you.
"Justin you're disgusting."

"What? You're still a virgin?!" He said and started laughing.
You keep quiet and take another sip of vodka.
"I gotta go to the toilet." You get up and almost fall making your way upstairs to lay down for a moment.
"Fuck.. I'm so wasted."
After about 5 minutes the door opens and closes, you didn't even open your eyes, hoping the person would just leave on their own but you then feel someone sitting down on the bed next to you.
"I hope our kiss didn't make you too wet while dreaming about me."

You open your eyes and sit down.
"Huh- Fuck you. You sure didn't make me wet with your little peck, it takes more than that. Am I that irresistible or why did you wanna kiss me in the first place?"

"I thought you would pass. But you didn't, so it seems you didn't hate it as much as expected" he shurgs.

The both of you just sit there for a while and Patrick lights a cigarette before he asks you something.
"Why did you leave in that very mysterious way?"

You look at him with your brows furrowed.
"Why do you care?"

"Whoops I tried to be nice there." he comes a bit closer "But nothing would ever satisfy the highness Y/N, I forgot"

"Huh.. Fine. Because I do not have a body count and I find it quite embarrassing. Here you got your answer, now keep making fun of me."

"Why would I do that? It doesn't really matter. People are just acting crazy when it comes to sex, its not that big of a deal." He says

You are confused by his answer "So let me guess, your not a virgin anymore right?"

"Yeah right, I was 17 when I-" you stop him mid sentence.
"I don't need to hear more... That's unbelievable how can you have had sex before me?" You laugh.

"Yeah that's the real question, how come? I'm sure a complaining little brat is what gets every dick hard."
he laughed.

"Oh you shut up. It's not that I didn't have the opportunity... I just.. didn't like the guys, and the guys I like sadly never like me back so.."

"So what if I told you I'd do it with you, right here, right now." he said and looked you in the eye. You burst out of laughter.
"What!? You are way too wasted Patrick, should I call an ambulance or something?" but he didn't start laughing with you.

"No I mean it. I assume I'm the only one who knows your little secret and you don't seem happy about it. Like, not the right now, right here part but if you wanna do it you got my number." he smirks

"You're really asking me to fuck? Out of nowhere? Oh my god" You cover your eyes giggling "you really are unbelievable.. Have you had some weird fantasies about me or what? I really don't understand.."

"Sure, I dream about you every single night~" he said in the most sarcastic tone.
"It has nothing to do with a fantasy, but why not. I find it interesting and you would stop stressing yourself about being a virgin."

You look him in the eyes and say "I would rather die." and start laughing again, this time he laughed with you.

"So before you keep harassing me.. I think I should go home now. I'm sure my mom's worried already and I shouldn't keep drinking." you say.

"Okay okay, but should't your mom be more worried about her daughter drinking and driving?" he smirks.

"Uhh, none of your business." you smirk back and leave the the house driving back home.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Nov 07, 2023 ⏰

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