I don't think there's anyone in the house again, if there is then they're hiding
"Go" I mutter out to him and he looks at me his eyes going wide

"What"? He asks "I can't leave you here" he mutters

"Dimitri you need to leave, It won't take long before they notice something's off, I'll be fine go, he won't hurt me" I tell him before taking steps away from him and towards the house.

He pulls me by my wrist before I crash into him
"I don't feel good about this, but I trust you" he mutters into my hair, before letting go of me and giving me a quick peck.

"I'll come check on him later" I say looking at Ivan almost passed out in the passenger seat.

Dimitri enters the car before driving away, I breathe out and face the mansion

Well I guess it's just going to be and them.
This is gonna be a long ass day


"What happened here"? Cara asks walking into the living room where I'm just standing

"What do you think"? I ask back, Enzo's just standing there observing, I can see he's trying not to snap, I don't care

"You helped them"? She asks

"I did what was right" I mutter out matching her stare

She scoffs "by letting him go? His cousin almost killed you"! She yells

"Because he thought I was you!! you ever wondered why he took me, or should I say why he wanted to take you"? I ask and she gives me a cynical look

"I don't care" she mutters

"I bet you don't, you don't even remember do you"? I ask and she looks at me before looking back at Enzo
"None of you remember" I whisper

"Remember what"? She snaps

"Four years ago, when you just got out of the institution, your first assignment" I tell her and I see her scrunch her brows

"What has that got to do with anything"? She asks folding her hands in front of her

"The girl you took, the one your father asked her to take" I say looking at Enzo as he clenches and unclenches his jaw "you don't even know who she was" I mutter out and she looks as if she's trying to remember

"I was given a task and I carried out" she grit out

"Well guess what, I had to suffer for it, you didn't just take someone, you took Dimitri's fiance, the woman he loved, and do you wanna know what your father did to her"? I ask looking at Enzo

"He locked her up for a year, and in that one year every single day, she was raped and he taped it all, he taped all of it before he killed her and sent her head along with the videos of what he did to her, to Dimitri" I whisper my voice shaking

"So before you point accusing fingers at someone, try making sure you're not guilty" I mutter before walking past both of them and out of the house

I don't know if I should feel sad or angry.
They don't even remember
They did something that horrible and they don't remember.


"I never thought a day would come that I'll be in this position" Ivan rasps out making me look at him, he cracks up a smile.

He was in Dimitri house, the doctor had come to check on him, he had an IV stuck on his arm but he was going to be okay.

I give him a smile
"How are you feeling"? I ask and he just shrug

"I'm more surprised than anything but I think I'm good" he says looking at me

The door opens and Dimitri walks in, I haven't seen him since I came, didn't see his car either, I was guessing he went to get something and I was right

On seeing me, he rushed towards me before pulling me into a hug
"You're okay, thank God" he breathe out making me laugh

"I told you he wouldn't hurt me" I mutter
We both hear throat clearing and he let's go off mee before we both turn to face Ivan.

His face isn't showing any form of emotion but I know he doesn't like what he's seeing, he looks between Dimitri and I.

Okay, this is awkward.

Yay, Ivan is finally out 😁😁😁

What do you think will happen now?

Untamed (A mafia story)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat