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"Star wake the hell up" my roommate allison said,"give me five more mins" I said I heard her suck her teeth and i know i had to get up I look up while pushing the blanket away to see allison run toward me and jumping "no Allison i am getting up " to late bitch already slam down on me "allison your not skinnh bitch get off of me" she got up off me and laugh "one u been sleep more then u should have been and it all this thickness i have on me" i chuckled "thickness bitch you are fat"  allison look at me and playfully smacked my arm "don't fat shame me bitch now get up ur about to be later for your interview" Fuck i forgot all about it i got up and hurry in to the bathroom

34 mins later

I am at the ceo of fashion  walking though the door this place is huge as i walk past there massive mirror i looked at my self i really look like shit i guess the people who the mirror here only wanne show people how bad they look or show them they do t have a chance i dont know but i wish allison woke me up sooner cause i would been better yea shit i blame that hoe she body slam  me i laugh to my self and want to the  ain desk there was pretty lady their and she looked so stern amd focus and made me not want to talk to her. "Hello, what do u need sweetie" nice lady i smiled to my self "Hi my name is Star Blake, I am from ohio and i am here for my job interview " i said proudly hiding my ghetto ass accent i have on me "Okay Miss blake u can have a seat i will call your name shortly" she said  "Thank you so much Miss..." i said "Mrs Franson please sit" i nodded in went to sit

It been 2 hours

It been two fucking hours and i am till u i could have still been sleep i looked around i saw Mrs franson typing away on her laptop i got up and walk to her...again "Mrs franson please i been waiting for 2 hours now" she looked at me " almost three actully u got very good patients " i rolled my eyes  "i see what taken them so long Star" she got up and walk away i start to looked around noone was with me as  i start looking at the paints on the wall, i saw a handsome man come through the door with so many people around him i couldnt stop looking at him he was so beautful his skin and everthing, But i  do wish i have stop cause now this beautful man is looking at me and oh god now he look at me "Miss blake come on you can now have your interview" mrs franson, thank god u ca,e i though i might die if he kept staring at me

In the office

"Hello you must be miss blake. Come in and have a seat you know we dont really allow alot of people to work here  special people like *cough* never mind sit" cole jakeson said a gay fashion designer my favourite actually i just wish he didnt give me a bad taste what he said.Through the interview he never gave me a time to talk or anything he ask the question and just like that switch it i being to zone at the point "so tell me why should i allow you work here why are special" finally i chance to show my self "I know i might not look approved for this job..." i said " yes we see that"
He said with out looking at me "well since i was young fashion not just only fashion but designing was everthing to me my mother always inspired me to find my dream job and design thing was the best thing we did together ever since she died i told my self i will finish school and become a fashion designer and...." he cut me off "sorry your not good" my mouth drop did he not hear anything
"What sir" "yes you heard me your not telling me why your  different just like everone else  i am sorry star but this isnt for you " i stand up "look please give me a chance" he shaked his head "your my favourite designer please" he looked at me with no simpthy " i am everone*he laugh* secirty " "wait no please" his bodygarud came in taken me out at this point i wanted to cry but my father always told me crying just hurt you more. All my wish just crash

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