Debates of the unnecessary

Start from the beginning

"For stealing your shirt yesterday" I said and Dokyeom grinned and pecked my lips again before I opened the door of the car and got out.

"I'll call you at night" I said, getting out of the car and waved him bye as he drove off.

I spent a few nights of the week at Dokyeom's place, since we didn't get much daytime to spend together. New fashion shows were coming up, and surprisingly Dokyeom had a much more comfortable schedule than mine currently.

After having a lazy ramen dinner, I settled on the bed with my laptop and started working on my emails, engrossed in a pile of design approvals, my laptop screen illuminating the dimly lit room. The after-dinner calm was shattered by the persistent click-clack of my keyboard. Dokyeom, having exhausted his own sources of entertainment, decided to bridge the gap.

At first, he approached with a playful demeanour, asking what I was doing, asking about my day, asking questions I was too stressed to answer right away. A playful pat on my back as I walked around the bedroom, a gentle tug at my hair—innocent attempts to break my focus. I chuckled, appreciating the lighthearted interruptions. Yet, as time passed, the stress of the work started to wear on me.

With deadlines looming, my laughter and patience transformed into a sigh of concentration. Dokyeom, however, was still in the mood of not getting bored on his own. He persisted, unaware of the rising tension in the room.

I glanced up from my screen, eyes carrying a mix of annoyance, fatigue and stress. 

"Honey, I really need to focus on this. Can we talk later?" I requested, my voice holding a subtle plea.

Dokyeom, fueled by a desire for closeness, persisted, "But I miss you, Hana. It's been ages since we just talked about random stuff, you'll be gone next week as well."

"I know, I miss you too, but this is crucial. Can you give me some time?" I replied, trying to balance firmness with affection.

He stopped his antics but however, continued them again after a while, not fully comprehending the gravity of my workload. The breaking point came when he playfully spun my office chair, earning an exasperated look from me.

"Dokyeom, seriously! I need to get this done. Can you please understand? Stop it." I snapped, my patience thinning.

He, realising his misjudgment, softened his expression. "I just wanted to be with you. I didn't mean to stress you out." The change in expression showing he was truly apologetic, tugged a string in my heart.

"I know, but I really can't side track this, or let someone else on this. I want to spend my time with you as well. I hate that I'm in your house and not being with you, but please understand." I spoke containing my anger.

"You've been at it for hours, all I'm saying is take a little break, I don't want to stop you from working, I know it's important but you haven't spoken a proper word with me since you came in, nor have you had a proper dinner" He debated back in a controlled voice. 

"If you know what I'm doing is important, then maybe understand that a bit more and stop lurking around like a kid." I snapped and turned around my chair, putting my attention back on my laptop.

Silence fell in the room as neither of us spoke a single word. I felt Dokyeom get up from his place, walk in the bathroom and wash his face.

"I get it, I wasn't exactly helping. But I have things in my life that I feel like speaking with you too. You didn't have to get this mad." he mumbled, washcloth in his hands after wiping his face.

Taking a deep breath I turned around to face him.

"I didn't have to get this mad? Who pulls a chair when someone is working Dokyeom? You've always understood when I get busy, and I never said I wouldn't listen to you. I will, tomorrow. What is with you today?" I asked, raising my voice a bit out of frustration. 

"Nothing! I get it that you're busy, I get everything. I always get everything. Please continue with your job, I'm sorry I'm not your fun loving happy-happy boyfriend right now" he spoke with a frustrated tone tossing the washcloth on the floor. I widened my eyes at his actions and straightened my back.

"Hya, absolutely not done." I said pointing at the tossed washcloth on the floor.

"I get that you're mad at me and I hate it too, but I will not tolerate you taking your anger out this way. And what's with the entire happy happy boyfriend thing? I don't expect you to be all giggly all the time either, you have other emotions and I get that I'm dating a human not a laughter machine so don't throw that in the argument right now, but right now is it too hard to understand my perspective?" I argued and he scoffed, making my anger spike higher.

"You have time to argue but not to talk?" He commented and got under the blanket after picking up the washcloth he had earlier trashed on the floor.

"Absolutely childish" I murmured and got back to my work without answering his question.

Finishing my work after many hours, I shut my laptop and washed my face before sleeping and got under the covers on my side of bed. Tugging at the blanket that he had snatched all for him, I saw him stir in his sleep.

"Party party~" he mumbled in a fun tone, and I almost chuckled to myself.

"Fighting with me before sleeping and then dreaming about parties. Wonderful." I said huffing and slept when I felt his body scoot closer to mine naturally like he did most nights. 

Thank you for reading 

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