48. Chapter fourty-eight

Start from the beginning

"Of course we would!" Luffy says, "I dont mind" i say with a small smile. "Great" connis says, and we start following her, i was at the back, and i cant help but look at her with some suspicion, 'something doesn't feel right...' I stop, and they seem to not notice me, i turn- and i look up at some clouds. I narrow my gaze, after all... it is strange we're going upwards, and not down, since aren't docks near the water? I turn and i place a hand on my hilt, and i turn and go ahead and i move to the others, before seeing the captain.

"Captain." I say, and the man looks up at me- when i grab him- his men weren't anywhere near yet, so i grab him my The collar and pin him against the wall, "What the hell are you planning to do?" I ask with narrowed gaze, my brows knitted, the man just smirks, "you'll have your punishment..." he snickers, then i punch him hard and enough that he doesn't seem to be awake, and i drop him before finding my way go the others.

"Oh there you are momoko" usopp says, and i nod, "momoko-chan, i thought we lost you" sanji tells me in relief, and i nod. "I was just looking at the clouds." I lie, and usopp seems to notice that but doesn't comment on that, "oh hey" luffy says as we continue walking on, i approach connis. "What's your plan" i tell her under my breath, and she tenses as she looks at me with a sweat, "what ever do you mean?" She asks, and i eye her. "I dont trust you all that much, after all... why did your father or you tell us about this the moment we became 5th degree criminals?" I eye her as we continue walking through the town. I ignore the three men who were all messing around.

Connis swallows a lump, i eye her, a shadow casted over my eyes by my hat, "connis, if my friends get hurt or worse... i'll find you myself and sacrifice you." I tell her, before having a forced eye smile, "well, lets get going connis." i say before walking on forward- and i feel her gaze, and i just ignore it as i had my hands in my shorts pockets- since my friends may be killed or hurt, and she may be sending me and the three boys to death as well

We were at the docks, and basically- connis shows us the crow, and i just fold my arms. "Crows dont swim though." Sanji comments, "i only learned to ride a waver recently, before then i used the crow to get around, its not as fast as a waver of course, but it has two breath dials and is quite reliable ( unlike ace's promise to never die to luffy ) please, feel free to use it" she says with a smile, and i eye her with suspicion. "Wait, im not going." Luffy says, and connis flinches.

"Unless i can take that" luffy says as he points to a fancy and sparkling boat, and connis turns to us, "that one huh? You don't like the crow? Im sorry" she says, and sanji starts kicking luffy, and connis sweatdrops, before stopping, "im sorry he doesn't appreciate you connis" sanji says, and luffy turns- with his face all weird- and i place a hand over my mouth with a snicker. "Its okay" she says, and even with my suspicion if her... my friends are in danger- so i suppose i'll hold it off.

"Your exit is gate #2, it leads right to the milky road, and that will take you all the way to upper yard. Just- just follow it and you'll be fine." Connis says, and i eye her. "Hey, connis" luffy says, and connis looks at him, "yes?" She asks, a bead of sweat on her cheek forms, and i just eye her. "You've been trembling ever since we left. Is everything okay?" Luffy asks, and her eyes widen- and the towns people eye us.

"Is- is it that noticeable?..." she mumbles, and i eye her- my arms folded. "Yeah, its like your scared of something." Luffy says, "haha! Dont you get it? She's worried about us! So sweet of you, my dear! Haha!" Sanji says with his hands clasped- and i just brush him off, "speaking of being worried, are you and pagiya going to be alright? This town is avoiding us like the plage, but your leading us around, giving us your boat, and giving us directions? Is helping us going to get you in trouble?" Usopp asks, and i eye her.

Luffy takes a step forward, "connis, dont cry, your going to be fine." Luffy says, and i connect the dots that she and most likely her father were blackmailed, "Connis, you should just stay calm." I tell her, my suspicion was lifted mostly, "no its not that... its not what you think..." she says- her eyes and wide, "dont you get it? Even after i told you how terrifying upper yard is, i still lead you here... i even got you the boat and told you which route to take... dont the rest of you guys find that odd? Momoko... shes the only one who knows it..." connis says, and i cross my arms as i sigh knowingly.

The three boys eye me, and usopp looks at some angels who were here and away. Connis falls to her knees, and the others look shocked, i eye her- a frown set on my lips as i eye her, she tells us to leave while we can and to not worry, and the angels freak out. She then tells us how she called the lobster- and i grit my teeth, my fists tighten. 'Nami, robin, chopper, and zoro' i eye her as i had a shadow over my eyes as she has tears roll down her face as she explains how she was forced to do this or else the penalty is death.

"Wait a sec- your saying they forced you- to lead us all here?!" Luffy asks, and connis can only nod- and i have a shadow over my face- my teeth gritted, "if that's true..." luffy says, and the two other boys have shadows over their gaze, "then why even tell us at all?!" The four of us ask in sync. She looks up at us with wide eyes, luffy runs and places a hand on her shoulder, "Are you nuts?! Now your life is in danger!" Luffy says, and the other angels start running away, then- above us is a light- and we all have confused looks- and luffy grabs connis, and then- my eyes widen as it was too late and too big.

When the smoke clears, i was on my knees- coughing, sanji was kneeled next to me, "are you alright?" He asks in worry, and i nod as i cough some smoke out from my lungs, "what the hell was that thing? That did that!" Sanji says- and it shows that neither luffy or connis was around, "Luffy!" Usopp shouts, "comnis?! Where are you?" Sanji asks- and me and him stand up, "Connis!!" Sanji calls out, "Luffy!" Usopp yells, "Where the hell are you two?!" I call out as well. The other angels talk about how thats what happens when you defy this stupid god- and i tighten my fists.

"Do not fear, they are both safe." Godfall says, and we turn- and the three of us were quite surprised that he was here, and we then see connis and luffy with him, "Its that weird old man!" Usopp says, "me weird? No. I am the sky knight friend, and this one is on the house." Godfall says before pushing luffy off, "connis! Look, she's safe!" Sanji says, and i let out a breath ( which ace cant do cause he's dead ) of relief. "And she'll be safe under my watch, you have my word. I shant' allow enel to hurt her" godfall says, i eye him.

"Thanks" luffy replies, fixing his hat. "You've now seen the scope of enel's power and anger. What are you going to do next?" Godfall asks, "The same thing we were going to do from the start, go to upperyard and rescue our friends." Luffy says, and godfall leaves on Pierre, "may luck be with you!" He says as he departs with connis in tow.

We go to the crow, "hop on bored! Get comfy! I'll give you a good shove off!" Usopp says, and i push usopp into the boat, "i dont wanna!!" He freaks- which i ignore, sanji turns to me, "why dont you sit next to me, momoko-chan?" Sanji asks with a smirk- and i shrug. "Sure" i say , and i get in, sanji sits next to me, luffy starts the ship, "Alright! Upper yard! Here we come!" Luffy says as we zoom off, and usopp yells a no, but it was too late as we were now approaching tunel 2, and i just breathe out.

'here we go...' i watch as we were on the road for nami and the others

2122 words

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