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Chapter 022─────────"Mafia and marriage?!"

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Chapter 022
"Mafia and marriage?!"


It's now snowing..

Hinata tachibana looked outside her bedroom window looking at the snow, as it falls.

She then raised her hand, letting the snow flakes fall on them

In a year, let us meet again.

A word soon flashes in her mind, as she closes her eyes and began to smile and imagine that person saying those words

That's what chifuyu told us..

A year, huh? Takemichi Kun.

As she stands there, She then opened her eyes looking at the snow that fell on her palms

But, in just a few days...

That is about to happen.

The year that you were talking about.

She whispered as her voice felt like the wind that soon passed her, as her long hair flowed with it like it belongs with the wind

What do you look like?

Did you change?

Everyone's been dying to see you.

So as he..

She thought as her lips formed into a thin lines, which soon stopped as her bedroom door opened

Nee-san, They're all here

Naoto said, as she looked behind her and just nodded, and soon walk outside her room to meet the all people that cherished the hero

As she walk towards the living room she could hear the murmur of people talking

Nice to see you all again

She said as the attention of all the people on there, went on her.

You grew your hair out? It suits you

Mitsuya said as he smiled and adjusted his glasses and went back to stitching a plush that looks like a teddy bear

You also did, it also suits you, mitsuya kun

She replied with a smile and sat beside chifuyu who looks like his mind is in another world

Where's the others?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24 ⏰

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