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I kept walking behind Sebastian till he reached at the front of his room. There are so many questions going on in my mind. I can't calm myself down in this situation. I want answers to my every single question. I will not let him go until he completely open up to me.

" What do you want Jackson??"

" Did you find her with those kidnappers? " I asked him impatiently.

" Ya, she was in a very bad condition. A old hag would have killed her, if I hadn't reached on time. She, we were lucky I guess "

That's very surprising."Those kidnappers had kidnapped hundreds of children but they had never tried to harm any child in any way. Every single kid has been saved so far. But, they tried to kill her. That's very suspicious. That means they have something against her or there must be something unique to her. This little girl is a mysterious brother."

Sebastian fell silent for sometime. I think we are on same page about her. she must be someone gifted by the God, then our problems will double up in upcoming future. People who are gifted by the Gods are considered very special in our world. They have everything with them. Extreme Power, beauty and fidelity of their mates. They were unlike us who are cursed. Every single one of them have some unique power. They can defeat a large no. Of armies. That's why many kingdoms are after them. They want their power. They either became slave of their kingdom or they end up becoming the reason of their annihilated families. If a child like that is born, he or she is instantly killed by their own family. But she is alive, she is truly a mystery.

" It's too early to say anything about about her. I didn't find anything unique in her. Her energy is similar to a normal being. She just seems a little bit mature. Now leave me alone. I want some rest."

He slammed the door shut and left me alone with my wandering mind. I know, he must have killed every single kidnappers, who had come in his way. Dragons are very possessive towards their mates. It would have been great, if he had captured them instead. Now I have a mystery and a child as a mate. I am frustrated mentally and sexually. Moments earlier I was excited, that now I would get to quench my blood thirst. I had been suffering from constant blood thirst throughout my life. It kept getting severe since my teenage. To quench this thirst ,I tried to laid down with women of different species but end up killing them. As soon as their blood hit my tongue, I gets a feeling of disgust and nausea from my dragon, and a bit of relief from the vampire with in me. In anticipation for more relief ,I drain my counterparts from blood and left with their dead bodies. Little bit of sanity within me doesn't allow me to have sex with their dead bodies. I am a monster who had killed dozens of innocent women. This is the only secret I have kept from my brothers. I don't know how Sebastian will react to this.Alex already seems to be possessive and protective about her. If he gets to know this, he will never let me get near her. I can't bear this any longer. Why is god so cruel to us??. If he had just let us die like those other hybrids, things would have been easier for us. I don't know when I will lose my sanity. I feels like a person who is on the brink of death. I hope this little mate can do some magic and free me from this curse. Oh God, For once let me live a normal life.

Author's Note-
I am a new writer so please forgive me for my clumsy writing. I am open for suggestions. Please support me because really need you guys.

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