The New Recruits

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          Squad Leader Flagon passes me as I head for the barracks. He stops me, narrowing his eyes. "Where are you going, Verena?"

          "I was going to see the new recruits- who you already seem to hate- but I decided that I was going to settle in for the night, get a good night's sleep." I smile, raising an eyebrow at him. "Why do you seem to dislike them so much, Squad Leader?"

          "Do you know who they are?" he asks in a low voice, stepping closer to me.

          "No. Why? Who are they?"

          "They're criminals, Verena, from the Underground."

          I stare at him for a moment, slightly dumbfounded. "Why did the Commander allow criminals to join the Scouts?"

          Flagon throws his hands up with a huff. "I have no idea. Erwin suggested that they could be of some use on the next-"

          "Wait, Erwin brought them here?" I ask, cutting him off.

          Flagon nods. "Yeah, he thinks they'll make good soldiers, even though they haven't had any formal training."

          I fold my arms over my chest. "Well, if Erwin brought them here, then I have to believe that there's a good reason for it," I say.

          Flagon rolls his eyes. "You're blind loyalty to him is disgusting."

          "It's not blind loyalty. The man is a brilliant strategist, and if those three are part of his plan, then you know it's for a good reason. Don't even try to deny it, Flagon. You've seen his plans for the new formation. They're flawless," I retort, growing defensive.

          Flagon holds up his hands. "Fine, fine." Then, Flagon's expression changes, and he scowls. "But I don't trust those three. They're criminals, not soldiers. They don't belong here." He places a hand on my shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. "You're my Senior Team Leader, which means you're their superior. Keep an eye on them and make sure they're not up to anything."

          "Is that an order, sir?"

          Flagon gives me a serious look. "Yes, that's an order.


          The next day, I am brought to the woods by Flagon to train. I sigh as I stand on a high branch, tapping my boot on the bark. "I can't believe I had to get up so damn early just to play around with wooden boards and cushions," I grumble with a yawn. I hear someone approaching in the distance, and I crane my neck to see who it is. Just below me, Levi is making his way through the woods, blades at the ready. I smile before leaping into the air. Silently, I follow him.

Levi's POV-

          Trees pass in a blur as I fly through the woods. Up ahead, a wooden titan springs forward. I swing my left blade around so I am holding it backwards. Twisting in midair, I am about to slice through the cushion on top that is supposed to be the "weak spot", when I see flash of light from above. Glancing up, I catch sight of a tousled mane of dark hair and deep green eyes. Without a moment's notice, the girl swings down and slices through the cushion, her blades ripping through the thick fabric. Using her 3-D maneuver gear, she moves to a nearby tree, getting out of my way. Her boots hit the bark hard, and she smiles at me. I recognize the girl from the day before. She had been standing behind Flagon when we had to introduce ourselves. I have no idea who she is though, and why she is seemingly challenging me. Narrowing my eyes at her, I whiz past her, intent on finding another wooden titan.

A Different Sky (A Levi Ackerman Story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin