Orge 3: "Graaa...!" , a purple-haired orge let out a war cry, wielding a thorn hammer aimed to hit me. Of course, I dodged and laid some sticky threads on trees before practically wrapping her like a cocoon.

"Careful, you might not only fall on the floor. You might as well fall for me?"

*shiver* I felt like I just dug my grave when I said that... not like she'll manage to escape from the threads, though. Is she really the threat when I said that...?

Orge 4: "Hrm...!" , a blue-haired orge grunted as he attacked me with a not so sharp knife.

"Hmm..." , I hummed as I dodged before disarming him and kicking him away, hitting a tree, knocking him out. Just as I did that, a large shadow suddenly overlapped mine.

Orge 5: "Raah!" , another war cry came from a large black-haired orge, attacking me with a large wooden hammer.

(Hm... this is kind of taking too long. It's annoying.) I thought and~ straight up punched him in the gut before jumping up and kicking the back of his head.

I landed on the ground and looked towards the three orges left.

"That's a rather bitter face you have there for someone who attacked first."

Orge 1: "Shut up!" , he put up two of his fingers, the index and the middle, the rest all closed, joined them together. "[Orge Flame!]" , a pillar of fire surrounds me, circling and engulfing me inside.

(Yeah, no. I'm not falling for this the second time. I remember myself having some kind of resistance against fire.) I checked my body just in case, of course. Better safe than sorry. (Okay, no damage at all. Yosh~! Gotta show-off real quick.) , I thought as I practically walked out the pillar of fire like some badass anime character walking out of a bomb exploding in the background.

"Are you finished?" , I asked in a taunting manner. "Well, whether you're done or not, it doesn't matter" , I said with an evil smile on my face that is being hidden by the mask. (Since I'm feeling evil today, I'll try scaring them off to leave us alone.)

I removed my mask, showing off a tiny bit of my aura as I raised my right arm up, my palm open, a black fire started forming, forming the shape of a tornado swirling. A little while, black lightings can be seen, crackling inside the fire.

Orge 6: "What an aura..." , he muttered while looking at me.

Orge 2: "That flame..." , she said, looking up at my fun experiment to mix black fire and lighting. "It isn't created by consuming the surrounding magicules... which means that its shape emanates from his pure strength!" , "Its size reflects the extent of his power... but that person is wearing an anti-magic mask..." (I have to warn Onni-sama fast! Considering this is the size and shape of the flame even though he is already wearing an anti-magic mask, he can eradicate us all if he so wanted to. Yes, following this, he didn't need to take an underhanded way to force those pigs to attack our village because if he truly wanted to kill us then he would've done it already himself.)

"So? Still wanna continue this?" (Yoshi! He seems ruminating. Now shoo shoo! All you have to do is surrender and go in our own ways.)

Orge 1: "Tsk...!" , he clicked his tongue before taking another fighting stance. "That's a rather tremendous power you have there... I would hate to admit this but we're no match for you. But I have the pride and the death of my people to give me strength as the future leader of the Orge Clan. Heh, I underestimated you quite a lot but I'll avenge the death of my fallen comrades and take you on!" , he raised both his arms along with his sword, "I may not prevail but I can put up a fight." But, just before he attacks, a pink-haired orge intervened, positioning herself in front of me, her arms spread out wide.

Orge 2: "Onni-sama!" , she yelled, "Please listen to me, this perso-"

Orge 1: "What are you doing!? Get out of the way, Imoto!"

(Oh? Am I about to witness a sibling fight? Speaking of, I wonder how big brother's doing...)

Orge 2: "Onni-sama! Please listen to me first! This person may not be an enemy."

(Oh? This girl is quite smart for knowing that. Now please do go and explain that to this little group of yours...)

Orge 1: "Step aside!"

Orge 2: "No!"

Orge 1: "Why!? He's a magic-born with a mask, just like the one that attacked our village! You, yourself, said so earlier."

Orge 2: "Well, yes, but please try to think over things calmly. Why would a powerful magic-born use an underhanded trick and force those pigs to attack our vilage? It simply doesn't make any sense! He pratically has the power to destroy us all if he so desired"

(Oh? You flatter me) I thought while nodding.

Orge 2: "It's certainly true that he is different from us but I don't think he's connected to the attack on our village." , after she said that, who I think is her brother, seems to think before he looks at me.


"Do you feel more inclined to have that talk now?" , "I suppose I won't need this anymore." , I said as I retracted my arm, making the tornado I made disappear as some smoke steamed off my arm.

Orge 1: "Sorry, I have made a grave mistake of mistaking you for someone else." , "But, what are you really? You couldn't possibly the master of those monsters with just you being a majin."

"Oh, me? I'm just a normal slime." I said as I transformed into a blob of slime that I am.

_________________________________________________________________Other Pov_______________________________________________________________________

Gobta Pov: ' When Rimuru arrived '

"Ack-!" , I said after getting a diagonal slash on my torso by an old orge.

???: "Wha-" , a person with a short light blue hair said with a mask on.

Who...? Wait... that mask is from that Shizu girl. Her hair is like Rimuru-sama's color. This presence too... could it be... is that Rimuru-sama!? He looks like a little girl, his boobs hasn't sprouted yet, though.

Nevermind that, my body aches!

"Rimuru-sama! Help me, it hurts~su. "

Rimuru: "Well, since you look quite fine, I guess you can manage yourself..." , he said in response. Yep, he is Rimuru-sama alright.

"Eh-?" , My face paled, my torso still bleeding. I got back up from the ground, now in a crouching position.

"I was just kidding~su, Rimuru-sama!", I yelled out panicking.


End, looks short but it has 1,640 words. Sorry for not updating.

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