5. Jack

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"Mr. Z is going to watch the home game tonight together with the organization's other investors." Our coach says giving us some pep talk right before we head to the rink for our early morning practice. "No pressure, but I want you all to give your best for tonight's game and show the stakeholders of the Devils that they're not wasting their time and effort!"

"I wonder if Ash is coming." I asked myself only to realize that I said it out loud.

"Ash? You mean Mr. Z's daughter?" My younger brother Luke asks, and I almost cursed myself for being stupid.

I heard Nico who's seating next to me chuckle while adjusting his shoelaces. "I totally suggest not to get near that woman Jack."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask him but he did not answer, because obviously Coach Travis is currently giving us some morning motivation and key points about our performance that needs to be worked on.

After a couple of talks which I did not pay too much attention, the coaches exited the locker room leaving us to prepare our equipments to go hit the ice in a few minutes.

I did not wasted any second to go talk to Nico about what he said earlier about Ash.

"Yow Capt!" I called his attention slapping his back. He just smirked at me, he probably already know what was I here for.

"You totally have a crush on her, eh?"

"Who doesn't have a crush on her?"

He snorted. "She's an evil."

"You don't mean that. Like-- what?" I started mumbling unable to absorb what he just said. An evil? What's that supposed to mean? "How come you said she's evil? You don't even know her that well."

"I had dinner with Mr. Z and the coaches at their house the other night." Nico started as we both started walking heading to the rink. "She arrived at the house looking so pissed and started shouting at their house. Mr. Z was not really happy about it and talked to Ash to calm down but instead, she just raised her voice and talked back. Imagine that? Raising your voice in front of your dad without an actual reason? My father will surely beat my ass if I do that."

"She's probably not in the mood that night." I said.

Nico shakes his head. "Yeah, but that is totally not a great excuse to show your evil side in front of your dad's visitors or some shit."

"Fair enough!" I said but part of me doesn't want to believe that she's an evil. I'm the kind of person who tries to see the good in someone even how huge of an ass they can be.

Maybe she's not an evil as what captain says, maybe she is just a spoiled brat or something! I mean, she has the right to be because look at her family's wealth. I sighed, and refocused myself on the practice today. Constantly thinking about that girl is totally not important as of today. I will deal with her once I get to see her again, maybe tonight she'll watch the game.

I didn't felt any discouragement after hearing all those though, in fact I even became more curious about her and her story.

If given the time and opportunity I will try to be friends with her and get to know her. What's to lose right?

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