Chapter 4

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Olivia's POV

After Niall left last night I went upstairs to find Stella asleep in the guest room so I headed off to bed. I laid in bed awake with Niall's words about Harry running through my head.

I couldn't help but wonder what Niall meant by Harry had gotten into some trouble. Many different possibilities had gone through my head, but none of them sounded like the guy I knew. After what happened I am not one hundred percent sure that I knew him at all. When I first left I would see stuff about him everywhere I went. Magazine covers, his songs playing in the car or anytime I went to the store, and all of my social media was flooded with the guy that I so helplessly loved. There were a few times I secretly looked him up just to see him living out his dream. He seemed so happy. Those secret meetings with my laptop always turned into a downward spiral until I completely quit so that I could avoid the pain that it brought me.

It got to the point that Stella had blocked anything Harry related from my life completely. Things started to get easier after that or maybe everything else going on at the time became a bigger distraction. My fathers alcoholism turned into something more. The day the twins turned 18 I packed them up and we moved out of the family home that was once filled with so much light and love that had suddenly turned so dark after July of 2018.

I feel like things would be different if we had a typical high school relationship and broke up when things got too serious. That's not what we had though. We had been best friends since we were children. His family home was only around the corner from mine. Every Saturday was filled with Stella's and his family piling into our home for cookouts in the backyard due to all of our parents working together at the local hospital. When his parents divorced and the cookouts got less and less frequent until they stopped all together.

Harry, Stella and I were still inseparable. We spent every weekend piled up in my small bedroom in my parents house and everyday at school together. We spent so much time together as children that when we turned into teenagers something more had festered from knowing each other so well. Feelings got involved and never really went away.

The guy with the bright green eyes, curly hair and contagious smile is no longer the person I run to with everything. Our love for music started when we were children and we would write these goofy songs together and then as we got older we went to the same music classes together where we learned to play piano, guitar and vocals.

That guy isn't him anymore and I don't know how I feel about it because I am not the same girl I was before I never came home from a trip to see my parents.

Stella was in my room bright and early the next day to get ready for the day's events. Her bubbly personality was back in full swing as we headed to the studio and to a meeting that was pre planned before I booked her trip out here. I was currently driving us to the meeting at the record labels office with Liam and Zayn. Liam was assigned to be my manager for as long as I am signed on with my current label. Zayn is the producer that has been helping me out in the studio every time I get scheduled time in. I had just spent the last 10 minutes filling Stella in about the events of last night after she went to bed.

"This is absolutely crazy. I still can't believe that you're recording your first album."

" I still can't believe that this is my life now. It's not how I pictured it to be. It is a lot more work than I expected" As the next words fall out my mouth Stella's eyes shoot across the car to look at me. "Now it makes so much sense why Harry was always so busy."

Once I realize what I said I glance over to look at Stella.

"Did you just say the H word?"

"I- I guess I did. It's not like it's a big deal or anything. He was a major part of my life so it was bound to slip at some point." Because of last night's events I think old thoughts are starting to make reconnections back in the back of my mind especially now that I am in the position he was in when things ended.

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