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Felix got to his house where Jisung was waiting by the front door. "Took you long enough!" Jisung teased as Felix walked up to unlock the door.

"It's not my fault you drive like the flash!" He protested. Felic opened the door and stepped aside to let Jisung in. Jisung ran over and threw himself onto the couch, then turned to face Felix walking into the apartment. "Hey did you have a bad day or something, you seemed down when you came into the store today." Felix set his bag on the table and went to sit next to Jisung on the couch.

Jisung cuddled up into Felix's arm and took in a comfortable sigh. "Eh, there was just a really rude lady today, and I was really tired, and I missed you all day." Missed me!? Rang in Felix's head as though it was impossible for someone to like hanging out with him, even his best friend.

"I missed you too." Felix said honestly.

"I haven't been the best lately, I'm not sure why, but I really don't wanna get worse again." Jisung said slowly, Felix already knowing he was going through some stuff again. Especially when Jisung comes home from different things crying or with new scars on his arms.

Felix rubbed one hand on Jisung's head, "yea, it's alright, everything is gonna be ok, I promise." He reassured Jisung, who looked like he was about to pass out. "You should sleep, you look really drained." Felix stated.

"I am kinda tired, but I don't wanna fall asleep on you." Jisung replied, looking up at him with doe eyes.

"It's alright, you do what you want! Are you hungry?" Felix asked, even though he really didn't really want to eat.

"Are you gonna eat too?" Jisung asked. Felix paused for a moment, which gave Jisung his answer. "Then I'm good." Jisung said in a stubborn tone, and Felix knew he wouldn't be able to change his mind. "Can we just cuddle, I haven't seen you all day." Jisung whined.

"Yea." Felix replied simply, feeling the exact same way as Jisung. They cuddled up as close as they could and both men ended up falling asleep in each other's arms.


Monday, June 9 2023, 4am

Felix woke up to an empty coldness beside him and a text from Jisung.


Hey Lix! Sorry I left, I woke up early this morning and you were still asleep so I just went home.

Felix smiled at the politeness of Jisung's text, and sent a simple 'It's alright! See you later!' He got up off the couch and checked the time. He decided he had enough time to shower so went up stairs to wash off quickly.

He got out of the shower, drying off his fluffy blue hair. He put on his usual work outfit, and made himself some tea. Felix wasn't the type to eat breakfast, or lunch for that matter. He would assume that it was because of his ED. It wasn't that Felix thought he was fat anymore, which was how it started, but he was just never that hungry anymore. Jisung was always worried about it, and so were all of our friends, but Jisung was the only one who really understood it.

Felix finished his tea, and headed to work. When he opened the door Hyunjin was already there, a rare sight to see for Felix, but always a pleasant surprise.

"Hey Hyunjin-ah!" Felix said, putting his things away in his locker.

"Hey Lix! I finished up the donuts, we still have the bread, cookies, and cakes to do, but I don't think we need that much fill on those so it won't take too long."

"Sounds good." Felix tied his apron around his waist. He went to the cupboards and brought out some ingredients. They both worked for a few hours until opening time, and it was pretty much a normal day, everyday most of the time.

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