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New Chapter coming Nov 11th
Mal applied another coat of lipgloss onto her lips as she sat in front of her vanity. The music was playing loud, the sound of it contrasting greatly with how soft she was humming along.
Mal was excited as she had been waiting for this night for as long as she could remember. Her ticket to see Justin Bieber was sitting on the vanity next to her and every time she would glance at it, the more excited she would get.
She had her braids tied up in a high ponytail with two braids, one on each side, framing her face. Her phone sat next to her, she lifted it up to disconnect her phone from the speaker, lowering the volume just a bit.
Getting up from the vanity, she heads to her closet to grab the heels she was going to be wearing for the night, She sits on the bed putting her shoes on one by one and after doing so, she gets up from the bed, pulling down the plaid dress she was wearing.
After spraying her perfume and applying her vanilla-scented body oil to the pulse points on her neck, she quickly turned to look at the alarm clock next to her bed to see that it was almost 8 PM and she would probably be late for the show if she didn't leave now.
Running back to her vanity she grabbed her phone and disconnected it from the speaker shutting off the music entirely. She grabbed her purse and started swiping through the apps on her phone with the intention of calling an Uber.
She walks into the living area of her student apartment and she halted her steps when she saw her best friend, Joanna sitting on the couch, hiccuping, crying, and gasping for air as her eyes were puffy and red.
Grabbing a tissue from the box next to her, Mal flinches as Joanna blows her nose harshly into the tissue, the tip of her nose matching the redness of her eyes.
Mal's shoulders dropped as she walked slowly towards the couch where Joanna had covered herself with a blanket, her used tissues surrounding her.
Sitting on the couch far away from Joanna in fear of having her get any of her snot on her, but still close enough to where she can try to comfort her friend.
"Jo." Mal tried to call for her friend, her voice gentle, but Joanna couldn't hear over the nose blowing she was doing. So she tried again, "Joanna, what's wrong?"
Joanna, looks up abruptly, noticing Mal for the first time and greeting her with a sigh that turns into a hiccup. Her dark brown hair in a messy bun on top of her head.
"N-Nothings w-wrong." she stutters and sniffles, "What would make you think anything is wrong?" she blows her nose again and Mal looks at her with a dry look almost asking Joanna if she was being serious.
Joanna sighed loudly, she looked at Mal with tears beginning to brim around her eyes again, "He broke up with me." she said quietly
"Again?" Mal says in disbelief. Joanna and her boyfriend Shyam had been dating on and off for so long, almost 3 years. Whenever they were off, it was usually because of Shyam. Joanna was much too in love with him to ever find it in her heart to break up with him. Mal has been waiting forever for him and her to finally call it quits but she doubts that this time is any different.
"And this time it's different!" Joanna says back, "He doesn't want me anymore." her voice cracks as she finishes her sentence and she quickly grabs another tissue to blow her nose again, "For real this time."
"Jo, I'm sure that whatever it is he's going through is going to blow over and he'll realize the mistake he ma-"
"Mal, this man has a whole wife that I didn't even know about!" Joanna says finally and this makes Mal do a double-take.
"A wife?" Mal says slowly. Her jaw-dropping slightly, "He's married?" Something about this doesn't surprise Mal too much because this shady kind of behavior was very much on-brand for Shyam. Mal always wondered if he was ever going to be arranged to be married only because she remembered Sav, a character from the TV show 'Degrassi' who was also Indian, who had the fate.
"No! But he will be." She sniffles, "He told me that he's known her since they were kids and it's been arranged for a while."
"Arranged for how long?" Mal asks
Joanna's voice rises as grabs another tissue knowing her next sentence would cause her to cry harder, "10 years."
"Oh My God." Mal's eyes widened. "How are you guys just having this conversation now?" Mal asks
Joanna sniffles again, trying to keep her tears at bay, "I was talking about our future-" she blows her nose, "--You know, back when I thought we would have one. And I brought up how pretty I thought our kids would look and that I hoped our kids got most of his genes because he's tall and whatnot. Then after I said that he just started telling me everything."
"But you talk about kids and stuff all the time, why'd he choose now to tell you?" Mal asks in disbelief and annoyance at how selfish one person could be. Joanna's feelings were something very important and sacred to Mal especially with Joanna being the more sensitive one out of the two. Joanna went out of her way sometimes to be excruciatingly kind to everyone she met and it sucked whenever that goodness she constantly exuded was never reciprocated back to her.
Joanna shrugs, "I don't know." she shakes her head, "Maybe he's just tired of me and couldn't do it anymore." She licks her dry lips. Joanna looks at the clock on the wall in front of them and then turns to really look at Mal and what she was wearing.
"Oh shoot. You're supposed to go see your husband tonight aren't you." Joanna says to herself as she remembered that tonight was a 'big' night for Mal as it was her first time seeing Justin Bieber since he debuted in 2010.
"Take lots of videos and pictures for me and if you need cash to buy merch and stuff you can go get some bills out of my purse." She sniffled and tried to put on a smile, "Since you don't carry cash anyway." She says again in reference to how Mal only ever uses her card to buy things.
Mal smiled sadly at her best friend. How even though she was going through all the tissue boxes they had, staining them with tears and mucus she was still considerate enough to remember it was a big night for Mal.
Joanna was too good of a friend. She had always been there when Mal needed her most. Like when Mal's parents got divorced when she was 15. Or when Mal broke her arm for the first time and couldn't play in her volleyball tournament at nine years old and Joanna helped her complete her homework as Mal had broken her dominant arm.
Joanna was always there and Mal simply couldn't find it in her to leave her as she sits and wallows in sadness over a guy who never deserved her to begin with.
So Mal did what she knew she had to. She canceled her Uber and stood up from the couch.
Seeing Justin Bieber was just going to have to take a backseat tonight.
"Joanna. I can't leave you here. I'm staying home worth you." She says and Joanna's eyes go wide. She shakes her head rapidly
"No No No. Look, I'm okay. See?" Joanna tries to smile widely but it doesn't meet her eyes, "Go and see your man for the both of us. And if he happens to take off his shirt, zoom in as close as you can." She pouts, "God knows I need the eye candy now." She's about to start crying again but straightens up quickly for Mal's sake.
"I'm staying," Mal says.
Knowing Mal was too stubborn to listen, Joanna slumped back into the couch in defeat. She knew it was useless to try and fight her.
"And If it's shirtless guys you want. I say we put on Magic Mike, get some ice cream and popcorn and just have an impromptu girl's night."
"Mal, a stripper movie is not going to solve my problems."
"Don't knock it till you try it," Mal says in a sing-songy voice. "You stay here I'm gonna call a Nite-Ride and go down to the campus convenience store to get our snacks."
"Okay. But please take the bills out of my purse to buy them and don't use your card. You know how I feel about swiping cards and potential identity theft."

The Right Girl
ChickLit[The Wright Ones series-- Book 1] The Bad Boy & The Confidence Coach In which a member of one the world's biggest boy bands, dubbed as the bad boy of the group by the media, meets a confidence and relationship coach during one of his concerts. His w...