Chapter 10: "Rekindling Bonds"

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Momo and Shoto found themselves a quiet corner in the mall, away from the bustling crowd, the air thick with unspoken words, a mixture of nostalgia and anticipation.

Momo, her voice tentative, broke the silence, saying, "It's been so long, Shoto. Three years..."

Shoto, his tone apologetic, replied, "I'm sorry, Momo. I should have reached out. I wanted to, but... things at home, they were complicated."

Momo, understanding the depth of their shared history, said, "I know, Shoto. I've always known that. But I'm just glad to see you now."

Shoto, his eyes filled with gratitude, added, "I'm glad to see you too, Momo. You've grown even more beautiful."

Momo blushed at the compliment, her smile revealing a mix of emotions. Her curiosity prompted her to ask, "So, you're going to UA High as well?"

Shoto, his enthusiasm evident, confirmed, "Yes, I am. It's been my dream for a long time. I want to prove myself as a Hero, not just my father's son."

Momo, her determination shining through, praised him with warmth, saying, "That's an amazing goal, Shoto. I know you'll be an incredible Hero."

Shoto, his interest piqued by her dreams, inquired, "And what about you, Momo? What's your hero name going to be?"

Momo, her smile revealing her excitement, replied, "I haven't decided on that yet. But I want to make a name for myself as an inventive and resourceful Hero."

Shoto, his support unwavering, encouraged her with a reassuring tone, "That suits you, Momo. You've always been resourceful. I have no doubt you'll excel."

Momo, shifting the conversation to family, asked, "So, how's your family?"

Shoto, his reflective gaze revealing the complexities of his home life, responded, "My family... it's still complicated, Momo. But let's not dwell on that. How have you been?"

Momo, her voice soft with gratitude, continued to share the details of her life, talking about her aspirations, her determination, and her hope for the future. The conversation between them continued to flow, bringing them closer, rekindling their bond, stronger than ever before.

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