Chapter 8 - Our Life Now

Start from the beginning


"Dang! We have been meeting up like crazy," I yelled as I held on tight to my grappling hook. "Is this my life now? Running into a black hair middle age friend?"

"That's actually genuinely funny," Hawks called as he flew above.

"Will you all just shut up!" The angry second placer yelled.

I still felt so tired, the weight in my chest simply increased.


"What's your deal kid? You've been losing your flare. We almost caught up to you."

I look away, could I really look at him. No. No. I couldn't. What was wrong with me. I looked away staring at the lights below.

Without thinking I spoke. "If I killed myself would anyone care? Would anyone go to my funeral? Or would they just ignore my dead body before it stank?" My robotic voice spoke clearly, no glitches this time.

Even though I was looking down at the rushing of cars below me my helmet let me see Eraser's horrified face.

He quickly picked me up and pulled me away from the ledge. He probably noticed how much I weighed. "What?"

I just looked away not wanting to meet his eyes. "You- I-I why?"

I still didn't meet his eyes.

He grabbed me holding me close into his arms. He just felt so warm. But I knew that I had to get away. So I pushed him off of me before flying away.


Shota Aizawa POV

After what the kid told him he was shaken up. How could the kid think so badly of himself? He knows so much yet thinks so little of himself.

Aizawa couldn't help but just sit there over think about everything. Until his phone started to ring.

'Naomasa Tsukauchi.'

Is what the phone said, Aizawa let out an exhausted sigh. Glad that it was at least him calling. He was the exact man he wanted to talk to.

He picked up the phone telling him that he would meet him back at the police station.

Tsukauchi hummed in understanding before trying to say something but Aizawa cut him off by hang up. He quickly got up and left quickly driving over to the station.

Once Aizawa arrived he walked over to Tsukauchi, "you might want to sit down for this and," he glanced around at the other officers "get away from prying ears."

"Yes I get that," Tsukauchi said as he led Aizawa to his office. "But what is so important that you had to interpret me multiple times? Other than just your additude." He mumbled the last bit under his breath but Aizawa still heard him.

After they each took a set Aizawa decided that it would best to just flat out say it. "Viglante Miyo is possibly having some family issues, or, or maybe some thing like that? I don't know." He looked at Tsukauchi expression as it morphed between so many expressions.

"What? You mean that the vigilante that has been able to doge pro heroes, even string the 2nd, and 3rd top heroes for a game of cat and mouse. And then lower the criminal rate to 2% in the weeks he's been present to the public is having family issues?"

"Welp that explains why he started this." Aizawa nodded.

"Do you know where he is right now?"

"He got away." Aizawa looked down in shame.

"Well we have to find him! At least let me help send more patrols after him! Maybe higher pro heroes, or those who work better in the shadows..."

His voice faded away as he put his head in his hands letting out an exhausted sigh.


Miyo's POV (1st POV)

His ears were ringing, he just felt tired. But he couldn't sleep. He heard voices. No, their voices. He wanted to cry.

Miyo! How much have you slept?! Was he moving?

Just close your eyes and relax, Miyo.

Is it them? Why are they here? But they came back. They came back for me. I couldn't help but smile as darkness overcame me.

They care!

(1235 Words)
Not edited

For the three or two people that saw some of my mistakes, um you did not see that. 👀 You are imagining things. 🙃
Hehehehehe hehehehe -A.

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