"Really?" She said sitting in front of me "What have you been craving?"

"Hot dogs" I groaned "Cereal, Fruit, pretzels, Vienna sausages-"

"Have you tried them with hot sauce?"

I paused looking at her "No?"

"Try it"

"Do you have some"

"I do. And your favorite cereal, I'm waiting for Brandi to wake up so she can see the pie I bought her. Key word bought on pie cause you know I don't cook" I laughed knowing my auntie Bianca didn't cook. She was the order out queen.

"So who cooks? Grandpa Marco?"

"What do you think Brandon is here for?" She said and we both started laughing

"And here I thought he helped operate the American mafia"

"Goodness no, that's my job," she said "So how has Aurora been?"

"Better. She's starting physical therapy this week. Thomas is at the house so I'm sure she's instructing somebody on how to handle him"

"It amazes me how she's the perfect mixture of Brandon and Marco. Brandon told me what she did to Arturo"


"And sinister"

"He deserves it"

"Oh yeah he did"

"After I eat I think I'm going to go chef on Auntie Tina"

"I would wait" She sighed "She uh had to be sedated. She woke up and realized what happened and went out of it again"

"I wish they would've just stayed in Russia"

"Lail told me what happened. How they were targeting Tina"

"I don't get it" I shook my head

"Tina Wilson. Imagine the rep you would get for taking down someone like her"

"My dad told me he must've thought she was dead. He said he looked shocked when he said she was alive but it was too late by then. He said Uncle Sante was fighting back so rough he thought the gunshots were from him."

"Sante must've used his last bit of energy to get the guy who shot Tina." She chuckled and I looked at her crazy "Don't mind me. I have a habit of laughing at the worst times. I'm just thinking about Sante"

"What about him?"

"Sante was crazy about Tina. I'm sure he wanted to kill the guy for revenge but also to keep her name clean. Sante did everything to keep her reputation polished, even when we were younger."

"Really?" I smiled

"Who do you think started the rumors about Tina? It wasn't the people she killed, damn sure wasn't Marco. He wanted the spotlight on him"

"Life's going to be so weird without him"

"How's Matteo holding up?"

"I haven't checked on him. He told me what was going on and then locked himself in the room. Didn't even let my mom in"

"Yeah" my auntie sighed "You know how those two were"

I nodded my head "I should check on him-"

"Just give him a minute. If he doesn't want Aurora or Saif around then he really needs to be by himself"

We heard the door open and looked up seeing Kenji rushing in looking frantic "Where is he?"

"Kenji" I heard my grandpa Marco's voice "Up here"

Not His Enya (Geniuses and Genetics Book 2) (BWAM)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt