Chapter 4 - I promised you.

Start from the beginning

"Wait! Cherry!" He screamed and began to run towards me. I quickened my pace. Go away!

"Cherry!" He came beside me. "Cherry!" He gave me a nudge with his shoulder. I think that smoke was already going out of my ears. "Adaline!" He screamed in my ear ,making me jump. I put my hand on my heart to calm it. After I calmed myself down, I began to hit Ayato.

"You fucking little son of a bitch! You scared me to death!" I shouted at him. I growled out of frustation and began to walk away, putting more pressure on my feet as I walked making them to make some kind of sound when they met with the ground.

"You didn't want to talk with me," He shrugged ,ran a hand through his soft looking hair and then put his hands in his pockets. The earphone was hanging at my side so I took it , stopped the music, plug them out of my phone and put the earphones back in the backpack.

I turned to Ayato. "You don't get the signals, don't you? Well, let this get into that thick head of yours," I tapped my head with my finger. "I.Don't.Like.You!" I put emphasis on each word. He smirked and shrugged.

"I'll make you love me ,that's for sure. But until then, I'll keep annoying you twenty four seven," He winked and went inside the school's garden. We were already at school?

"Oh and Cherry!" I turned my head to him. "Don't you tell 'em what we do!" He screamed to the top of his lungs and pointed to all the students in the school's garden. They all looked at me, ones with some nasty glares and others with some smirks,smiles or bored expression on their face. I blushed and looked down.

That little asshole...


Don't you tell 'em what we do...

I repeated his words in my mind. I scoffed as I walked down the halls ,earning a few confused and weird glances. I ignored them.

Don't you tell 'em what I'll do to you when I catch you ,Anders. And I don't mean it in the romantic way.

The bell that rang interrupted my thoughts. I looked around me and saw that the halls were clean ,not a student here. I tapped my chin withmy index finger, thinking.

What hour do I have now? I think I have Biology. Is not a problem ,I'm very good at this subject.

I decided to ditch the school ,because I was an expert at Biology. Yeah, no. I just knew more than the students in our class do.

I wandered around the halls where surrounded the deadly silence. Boy, this halls gives me the creeps.

I shivered out of fear. After 10 minutes I arrived at the janitor's closet on the last floor of this school. I went in and flicked the light on ,because it was pitch black. I moved some brooms and detergents and a ladder began to be seen.I flicked off the switch, smiled and began to climb up the leader. The ladder went in a room and there was a door. I opened the door and went outside. This door leads to the school's building. I used to come here when I was upset, sad, when I did want to be alone or when I didn't want to be at hours.

The air is a bit cold here,but nothing I couldn't handle. Here , you have a view for the sunset or dawn and it's very beautiful ,I could tell. Now, the sun is a little down to halfway from being up on the sky. The birds were flying and chirping around. The chilly wind was caressing my hot cheeks ,making me shiver. Nothing could disturb this atmosphere and view.

"What are you doing here?" Only he could. I rolled my eyes and looked at him. If I would give him a light push ,then...

"Hey! What are you thinking there?" He asked ,fully turning towards me. He was sitting on the edge of this building and my palm was tickling because of the want to push him. Of course that I'm joking. Not.

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