The crime scene

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A/N: Hello and welcome to my third Fanfiction of Supernatural. If you enjoy this story and haven't read my other fanfiction, please check them out. Comments are welcome, but please be nice. Thank you, enjoy.

Sam's POV

I swung the machete and watched as the head of the vampire fell free from its body and rolled away. Turning back to the other two supernatural creatures I discovered they were standing either side of the two young males who had been taken from the local collage. My brother Dean and I had been keeping up with the local news and had come to the realisation that something was targeting the college students. There had been so many that had been taken over the past few months and when we took a closer look we discovered that a nest of vampires had moved in close to the college and were taking the students, some to be used as food, or sustenance and others were transitioned into fledglings to join the nest that we were sure was growing from the number of missing students.

The area it was happening in was the town near the bunker, which meant it was local for us. We had not found the nest as yet, but we were close.

I wasn't sure which vampire to attack first, and I was grateful that my brother rushed up beside me and said, "Go right Sammy."

Rushing towards the vampire on the right I wasn't quick enough to save the innocent victim, as the vampire grabbed the young student's head and snapped his neck. I was quick enough though to swing the machete once again, another vampire losing its head as its body crumpled to the ground beside the now dead hanging body of the young male.

Turning I saw that my brother Dean hadn't faired any better as the young victim he had been trying to save was also dead, his throat bleeding from the gash that no doubt the vampire had made. The vampire's body was further across the room though and his head had rolled back towards the two bodies hanging in on the wall and to where I was standing.

"You good?" Dean asked and I turned to him, nodding my head "Let's get out of here then."

I looked around the bloody scene noticing the long clean up we had ahead of us, but just as I was looking around, I noticed some blue and red lights flashing against the dirty windows. We were standing in an abandoned house that I assumed the vampires had decided to use. We usually cleaned up after by burning or burying bodies, but the arrival of the police meant that we would have to miss the clean up this time. Not always good to leave evidence or creatures, but when we had to get out or get caught, we always had to get out.

Looking out the window I saw a police vehicle pull up in the driveway. A woman, who I assumed was one of the Neighbours as she had no car I could see rushed over to talk to the officer. Her blonde hair was held up in a messy bun and she wore tracksuit pants and a zip up jacket. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but I assumed it was her who had called the police because of the activity in this house that was supposed to be empty.

"We have to go" I said to Dean as I backed away from the window "Police are here."

"What?" he rushed to the closest window and looked out "Son of a bitch" he muttered as he made his way towards the exit.

"That's the third group of vampires we've killed in a few weeks, and they are close to home Dean" I started I followed him out of the room and towards the back of the old ran down house.

"I know" was all Dean said as he pushed through the back door and across the open yard towards the fence.

I followed Dean quietly as we jumped the small fence and rushed down the street. We saw a few people rushing towards the empty house that we had just left and I frowned as I saw the police officer getting out of the car.

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